Mr. Katti Mahesh, a Talented Telugu Actor, a candid and frank Telugu Film Critic, and a Qualified Journalist, is going through a tough phase in his life, because of his courage and convictions. It is not easy to hop from one TV Studio to another TV Studio in Hyderabad, and facing dozens of rebuking questions from Telugu Viewers, for some hours, by and large, with a smiling face is not an easy task. It requires lot of Self-Confidence, which Mr. Mahesh seems to amply possess. But as a well-wisher of Mr. Katti Mahesh, not that he does not know, he seems to be a more knowledgeable, and resourceful person than me, I have a word of caution. There is a Proverb "PramAdO dhImatA api" which means even a wise person can accidentally slip and injure himself. If it is some minor physical injury such as 'a sprain on an ankle', it may be alright. But, in case of words it is not so. Once words slip from the mouth/tongue -now probably- Computer keyboard/Mouse, it will be difficult to back. And, there will be people to chase and hound. Hence I appeal to him, as far as possible, to prepare written statements, show them to his Lawyers and Senior Journalists, get their advice, and then only speak out / tweet. Ex Tempore speaking in ordinary times may not cause much harm, but in testing times, where every TV Viewer and Netizen is too eager to catch a person for his-her faults, the Ex Tempore must be very careful. Else he-she will land themselves in avoidable hardships and hazards.
Telugu Poet Late Shri-Shri wrote: (In Telugu Script, Roman Script, followed by English Gist:)
నిప్పులు చిమ్ముకుంటూ nippulu chimmu kunTU
నింగికి నేను ఎగిరిపోతే ningiki nEnu egiri pOtE
నిబిడాశ్చర్యంతో వీరు! nibiDAscharyam tO vIru !
నెత్తురు కక్కుకుంటూ netturu kakku kunTU
నేలకు నేరాలిపోతే nElaku nE rAli pOtE నిర్దాక్షిణ్యంగా వీరే!! nirdAkshiNyam gA vIrE !
Approx. English Gist: nippulu chimmu kunTU = Sprewing Fire,
ningiki nEnu egiri pOtE = When I cruise into the Space
nibiDAscharyam tO vIru = These people, gazing their mounts, with Awe and Wonder
netturu kakku kuntU = Vomiting Blood
nElaku nE rAli pOtE = When I fall onto the ground
nirdAkshiNyam gA vIRE = The Same people, devoid of sympathy !!
The message here is, the same people who look up with awe and admiration when a person rises, will show no empathy when the flight meets a disaster. That means, we should not believe or trust people, for their consistency or reliability. More people will be eager to throw stones, for a person who fails.
Question: You seem to be a cynic or a pessimist. Mr. Mahesh is throwing aspersions on everybody in TV Channels. Why do you try to defend him?
Something may be wrong with my eyes or in my thinking. But I must say that Mr. Katti Mahesh appears more reliable to me , when compared to Mr. Pavan Kalyan, and his hundreds of thousands of (some of them gullible or blind, probably) followers, who are chasing Mr. Mahesh.

Question: Do you think that Katti Mahesh might have been sent into this Lotus Formation by YSRCP Party or Mr. Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy?
Everything is possible in this Bourgeoisie World, but yet, from the way in which Mr. Mahesh is handling this question on TV Channels with substantial courage, I am personally tempted to believe that YSRCP or Jagan may not be behind Katti Mahesh. I shall try to write reasons and discuss reasons for my perception, shortly.
To come back and continue adding / deleting / modifying. Only 10% complete.
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