Russia, where the October (1917) Revolution took place deliberately ignored its Centenary 100 years. The World also did not take much interest in the Centenary of the October Revolution. Consequently, unsung, it came and slipped like a shadow when we near a lamp post, and pass away from it. But Telugu People have not forgotten the October Revolution. Both the CPI and CPIM have celebrated it with some gusto, speeches were given, and exhortations were made. Now, the 2017 has come to an end. Suddenly, RanganAyakamma Aged, Veteran Telugu Writer sprang up with her Telugu Article in Andhra Jyothi, print edition dated 30th Dec. 2017. There are some fireworks in it. Her views, according to this ybrao-a-donkey's perception, are to be translated into English and Hindi, so that other Indians, and probably Global Citizens can also study them. This is because, the Whole World is depicted by bourgeoisie Media, to be forgetting the Communism and Marxism as if they belonged to some Stone Age. A rejoinder to the Article of Ranganayakamma has come from Shri Srinivasa Rao, Secretary of CPM, Andhra Pradesh Unit, in the Andhra Jyothy Print Edition dated 4th January 2018. The CPIM's rebuttal is also meaningful. Probably it also needs to be translated into English, or at least salient points to be discussed and commented upon.
Links to both the Articles for those Readers who are interested to read the Telugu Versions
1. Click here to go to http://www.andhrajyothy.com/artical?SID=513682. The Title of the Article "maLLI adE praSna! javAbEdI? . Approx. English: Again the same Question? Where is the Answer?
2. click here to go to http://epaper.andhrajyothy.com/m5/1491530/Andhra-Pradesh/04.01.2018#issue/4/1. The title of this Article is "Ranganayakamma guri eTu vaipu". English equivalent: Ranganayakamma's aim in which direction?". This Reply Article is by Shri V. Srinivasa Rao, Central Committee Member, CPIM.
Ranganayakamma has replied to the Criticism of CPM Central Committee Member
Here is the Link: Click here to go to http://www.andhrajyothy.com/artical?SID=518508. This Reply seems more to be a sort of personal nature. The Title of this Article is "Communists? or Feudal bourgeoisie?"
ybrao a donkey's personal view
Ranganayakamma has titled her reply 'Communists or Feudal Bourgeoisie'. I wish to point out that all individuals and Institutions operating in a Feudal or Bourgeoisie System, have no alternative , except to follow at least some bourgeoisie methods, for survival. Then, the question will be , what should be the Limit of Safety beyond which No Communist or no Communist Party can go? Even, Ranganayakamma herself might have been following some bourgeoisie methods for her Survival. May be, of course, not crossing the Limits of Safety and Sanity.
I shall try to raise some more pressing issues, shortly.
To come back and continue adding / deleting / modifying.
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