MUSINGS OF A DONKEY-- ♞: ✔Terrorists can become Rulers. And Rulers can become Terrorists.♝ ✔Terrorists Rulers, sometimes, tend to co-ordinate with one another. And sometimes, they war with one another.♝ ✔Terrorist Rulers, very rarely lay down their lives. Their subjects have to lay down their lives.♝ ✔Terrorist Rulers can, sometimes, show aesthetic appreciations. The same Rulers can, sometimes, ruthlessly oppress aesthetics. Their vicissitudes are difficult to gauge.♝ ✔What is Terrorism and what is not Terrorism, depend on subjectivities and proclivities of those who have the authority to identify.♝
♛Capital is dead labour, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.♝
ybrao a donkey's explanation in Telugu Language: పెట్టుబడి ఒక మృత శ్రమ. పెట్టుబడిగా మారిన మృత శ్రమ దయ్యం లాగా జీవించి ఉన్న కొద్దీ , బ్రతికున్న కార్మికులను పీక్కు తింటూ ఉంటుంది. ఉదాహరణ : శ్రీమాన్ బిల్ గేట్స్ గారు తన జీనియస్ ను ఉపయోగించి విండోస్ ఆపరేటింగ్ సిస్టమ్ ను, డాస్ ను కనిపెట్టారు. ఇది గొప్ప విషయం. ఆయన ఈ మృత శ్రమను పెట్టుబడిగా మార్చాక, ఇంక ప్రపంచాన్ని పీడించటం మొదలు పెట్టాడు. ఆయన కొన్ని దానాలు ధర్మాలు చేస్తున్నట్లు నటిస్తున్నప్పటికి, అయన ప్రపంచాన్ని తన విండోస్ తో దోచుకోటం ఆపలేదు. ఇదే విధంగా వారెన్ బఫెట్ మొ. వారు. మృత శ్రమ పెట్టుబడిగా మారి, తన జీనియస్ కి తగిన పారితోషికాన్ని పొందటంలో తప్పు లేదు. దానికి పరిమితి ఉండద్దా ?
Here is a 10 Multiple Choice Question Test on your favorite subject. Some Qs are actual Examination Questions, ABRIDGED & EDITED for brevity, and to facilitate easier comprehension. Actual Exam. Qs were lengthy and circumlocutive. Qs can be answered online, and score can be checked by clicking ~showprogress~ box at the end of any Q. There are minus marks of 0.25 (quarter mark) for each wrong answer. If any Qs are left out, there will be no change in score. Answers for each Q can also be checked by moving your mouse on the word `mouse` at the end of each Q. You can try and retry any number of times.
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EURACANZ (Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand): Are they fighting a war against China, in Hong Kong?
:♛The present unrest in Hongkong started when the Hongkong Government introduced a bill for extraditing criminal-accused-persons to Mainland China. The Hongkong Administration withdrew the Extradition Bill. But the Unrest in Hongkong is continuing, and aggravating. Why? ♝
♛According to ybrao-a-donkey's perception, the latent reason appears to be a September 2019 attempt of Hongkong and China, to purchase the London Stock Exchange for $39 billion. ♝
♛Unable to bear this Financial Markets invasion, EURACANZ countries seem to be instigating the Hongkong Street Demonstrators to rebel, by providing financial support, and by misleading Youth. This is only a suspicion.♝
♛If Hongkong and China are going to succeed in their capturing the London Stock Exchange, next on the guillotine will be New York Stock Exchange.♝
♛Chinese Rulers may have poor memory. But, the Rest of the World should not have a poor memory. In October 1962, Chinese Army pounced at midnight on the Unsuspecting Indian Territories of Ladakh and NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh) and occupied approx. 36,000 sq.km. of Indian Territory. If China is going to prefer a Financial Invasion on India, instead of a military Invasion, Hongkong Stock Exchange may try to buy out BSE or NSE. (91003)♝
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YSRC PARTY, the Ruling Party in Andhra Pradesh seems to be repeating the mistakes of its Predecessor Telugu Desam Party.
:♛YSRCP MLA from Rural Nellore Constituency Shri Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy is alleged to have abused Ms. Sarala, Mandal Parishad Development Officer of Venkatachalam Mandal.♝
♛He is alleged to have in a drunken state, along with YSRCP Official Spokesperson Shrikanth Reddy visited the house of Ms. Sarala when she was not at her home, and threatened her mother of dire consequences.♝
♛They are reported to have got her electric meter disconnected, and water pipeline. ♝
♛Ms. Sarala is reported to have gone to Nellore Rural Police Station that night. As there was only one constable at the Station, she had to wait there for five years, just for booking an FIR. ♝
♛People are recalling the TDP Rule days, when Denduluru MLA Mr. Chintamaneni Prabhakar was reported to have manhandled a Lady Mandal Revenue Officer of Kaikaluru Mandal, and the TDP Govt. dilly dallied.♝
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:♛HASINA TAKES UP NRC WITH MODI, news Headlines indicate.♝
♛Common Sense also indicates that no country, howsoever friendly its relations with its neighbor may be, will accept "return" of illegal immigrants even if the illegal immigrants belong to their own religion.♝
♛Bangla Desh would have not accepted even ROHINGYAS from India, had India tried to send the Burmese (Former Bangla Deshi) Rohingyas to Bangla Desh, even if Rohingyas are Muslims.♝
♛This unwillingness of countries to take back illegal immigrants highlights one important basic principle: COUNTRIES CANNOT BE FORMED AND/OR RUN ON THE BASIS OF RELIGION.♝
♛Mr. DONAL TRUMP, howsoever, noble or cruel he may be, apparently knows this. Hence Mr. Trump wants to divert every fund for construction of a wall on Amercian Boundary with Mexico. ♝
♛As a Marxist, I can only say that "Workers of all countries Unite. For workers, there can be no boundaries.♝
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:✔Continuing Superstitions in 21st Century is a Universal Problem. It is not just limited to India. Whenever superstitious incidents take place, we can only derive some happiness, from audio-visuals they distribute to us.♝
✔It appears that Websites, TVs and Newspapers from Islamic countries such as Khaleej Times have tried to highlight the News of India's Defence Minister performing a traditional worship while taking delivery of the first Rafale Aircraft, as if he has committed some sacrilege. (Note: I am not a BJP supporter).
✔While many Indians have shifted to a relatively non-violence procedures by offering fruits and vegetables to Gods/goddesses instead of goats, sheep and cattle, Islamic and Christian countries still continue their barbaric ways.♝
✔Indian shift to milder propitiations of God(desse)s may be as a result of shift to Buddhism from North European, South European and Persian Aryanism.♝
✔Anyway, that is an improvement from a larger savage of beheading wailing sheep and goats. So, what is the use of pinpointing the errors of neighbor countries by the Islamic Media, when the Islamic countries themselves have relatively more savageous superstitions?♝
✔Buddhism, a better religion is more ancient when compared to both Christianity and Islam. I am not a Buddhist. Nor am I, its propagandist. Buddhism had/has its own flaws. ♝
✔Yet, if at all religions and customs are absolutely unavoidable, probably Buddhism seems to be a better choice. For this reason only, probably late B.R. Ambedkar might have shifted to Buddhism.♝ ✔Nevertheless, I sincerely wish that Islamic Media do some introspection. (9aa)♝
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:♛Mr. ShaktiKanta Das 2019 RBI Governor is reported to have said: "...Academic qualification of the head of the central bank is not relevant, but what matters is his/her grip on the economy, general awareness about the issues facing the economy and professional experience..."♝
♛Reserve Bank of India has placed on the Operations of the PMC Bank (Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank) for a six months period. As per the instructions, PMC Bank's customers cannot withdraw more than Rs.1,000/- per day.♝
♛RBI is reported to have revised the maximum withdrawal limit today 26.9.2019, to Rs. 10,000/-.♝
♛PMC Customers seem to be suffering a lot. I do not know whether Mr. Shaktikanta Das explored the possibility of extending some Overdraft against funds maintained by PMC Bank in its CRR Current account.♝
♛It is also not clear whether RBI has examined the possibility of extending some interim ad hoc loan to PMC Bank against the security of the SLR Securities invested by the PMC Bank. The very object of maintaining CRR Current Account, and the purchase of SLR Securities is to tide over Customer-Runs on Banks when there are some bad news. It is also not clear whether RBI has made available some Repos to the PMC Bank against SLR Securities. ♝
♛If Banks respond to Customer Demands and Customer Runs, in case of Bank news, Banks can retain Public Confidence and Trust in Banks. After the Crises Runs are over, RBI can find an appropriate solution for the Liquidity/Solvency Crises in the Bank. If RBI by placing rigid and severe restrictions on customers' withdrawals (like how it happened during 2016 Demonetisation days), customers lose their Trust not only in Private and Coperative Banks, but also in Public Sector Banks. Loss of Confidence in Banks will raise the Liquidity Preference of the People, and Banks will enter into larger loops and soups. (9926)♝
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:♛On 13.9.2019, speaking at Muzaffarabad in POK, Mr. Imran Khan, President of Pakistan is reported to have said:
♛"I want to tell India that, by detaining thousands of people, you are pushing people into extremism. People will rise against India, and it is not just about Indian Muslims, there are 1.25 billion Muslims around the world. They all are watching this."
♛By instigating Muslims all over the World, Mr. Imran Khan like the al qaeeda's founder Osama Bin Laden seems to be leading the World Muslims towards mass self-destruction and annihilation.
♛There is a Sanskrit saying "ajAnAn dAhAtmyA patatu SalabhAs tIvra-dahanE". English: Moths fall in fire, being unaware of the combustive nature of the fire.
♛Like other World Religions, Islam too has its own strengths and weaknesses. It has a long way to go help people who feel that they need it and cherish it. Religious bigots who have unduly enlarged images of their own religion, should not drive gullible lay persons to enter into suicidal campaigns. Essentially Religions are expected to be Private encounters and rendezvous between an individual and his-her supposedly existent God. (991418)
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:♛Mr. Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, is reported to have refused to sign.
♛Reason, said to have been given by him: It does not guarantee the continued presence of US counter terrorism forces to battle al-Quaeda, the survival of the pro US Government in Kabul, or even an to fighting in Afghanistan.
♛Initiating nine rounds of talks with extreme militant Organisations like Talibans, and working out peace deals with them, make no sense. It goes against common sense.
♛Talibans seem to get their finances from Saudi Arabia. As long as Saudi Arabia supports them, Talibans will not relent for any sort of Peace Deals which go against the very purpose of their existence.
♛Of course, if Mr. Trump is eager for an Afxit so as to show it as his achievement for the 2020 Presidential Campaign , he may force Mike Pompeo to sign some deal with Taliban, and threaten to sack him, if he refuses. (99621).
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Is Shri Rama, a worshippable human?
:♛If Shri Rama is Supreme God-head itself, there is no problem.
♛All religions have their own Supreme God-heads.
♛It can become a crime of blasphemy to criticise Supreme God-heads of any religion.
♛If Shri Rama is regarded only as a human incarnation of the Supreme God-head, with birth days, birth places, some searching for history may become necessary.
♛Some of his worshippable qualities may become discussible, provided there is a climate of tolerance in the country. (98319)
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:♛Pakisthan President has to explain why the population of Non-Muslims in Pakisthan fell from 23% in 1947 to 1.5% in 2019? Assuming that Freedom Struggle and Independence of East Pakistan which has a slightly higher rate of non-Muslims, into Bangla Desh in 1971, has caused the fall in New Pakistan, it can't go down to as low as 1.5%. The drastic fall shows that Non-Muslims in Pakistan were forced to convert to Islam or leave the country, through disincentives, discriminatory treatment, and harassment. The Hindu population in Bangla Desh too dwindled owing to persecution and harassment.♝
♛While some Indian rulers seem to yearn divide India into Hindu and non-Hindus, Mr. Imran Khan itches to divide the World into Muslims and Non Muslims.♝
♛EURACANZ (Europe+ America, Canada, Australia+ Newzealand) seems to make the entire Earth a Christian Planet. Attempts of the EURACANZ Missionaries in the name of Service, to convert non-Christians into Christianity through monetary inducement and fallacious propaganda, has resulted in generation of insecurity in the Non-Christian World. Islamic World took it seriously and just as a tortoise tries to hide itself within its shells, Islamic people were made to hide themselves behind the preachings of Islamic Clerics and Mullahs.♝
♛India was never a Martial Country. Indians were never war-mongerers. In fact, their love for non-violence, probably owing to the precepts of Gautama Buddha and Vardhaman Mahavira, Indians did not evolve themselves into bellegerence. Consequently for thousands of years they faced invasions from numerous races from Arabia, Persia, Turkey, South Europe, North Europe, Baltics and Central Asia. Though suffering various degrees of slavery from these races, Indians every invader-race-tribe into the country, and evolved into a Newer Nation. Of course, it also resulted in birth of an obnoxious Caste System.♝
♛The entry of the two grossly greedy proselytizing Religions having their Headquarters in Mecca, Rome, England (&Europe,America) brought a sweeping change in the Social Structure of India. (9930) ♝
■sringara SATAKAM OF BHARTRUHARI: WOMEN, WHO CREATED? ♞:♛ Aavartaha samSayAnAm, avinaya bhavanam,
paTtaNam sahasAnAm,
DOshANAm sannidhAnam, kapaTa Sata mayam,
kshEtram apratyAnAm,
Svarga dvArasya vighnO,
naraka pura mukham, sarva mAya karanDam,
StrI yantram kEna srishTam,
visham amrita mayam, prANi lookasya pASaha.♝
♛The poet wonders: Which magician created this gadget called ‘woman' who is:♝
♛a) a dwelling of all dilemmas;
b) a palace for disobedience;
c) a town of courage;
d) a podium for defects and sins;
e) a repertory of a hundred slynesses;
f) a field for suspicions
g) a line of hurdles to the gate of the Heaven;
h) an entrance for the hell;
i) a venom of illusions.♝
■ENGLISH grammar: NOUNS, PLURAL NOUNS, TWIN FORM ♞:♛Some nouns have two forms for the plural, each with a some what different meaning.♝
Singular | Plural |
Brother | brothers, sons of the same parent. brethren, members of a society or a community. |
Cloth | cloths, kinds or pieces of cloth, clothes, garments. |
Die | dies, stamps for coining, dice, small cubes used in games. |
Index | indexes, tables of contents to books, indices, signs used in algebra. |
Penny | pennies, number of coins, pence, amount in value. |
■ENGLISH-French-ENGLISH, based on CASSELLS DICTIONARY, EDITED BY Yb ♞:✔dans harmonie: in harmony.♝
✔Usage: Un homme politique doit être dans harmonie non seulement avec ses électeurs, mais aussi avec les buts et objectifs de son pays. English: A politician must be in harmony not only with his constituents, but also with the goals and objectives of his country.
■Karl Marx & ENGELS ♞:♛Capital is dead labour, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.♝
ybrao a donkey's explanation in Telugu Language: పెట్టుబడి ఒక మృత శ్రమ. పెట్టుబడిగా మారిన మృత శ్రమ దయ్యం లాగా జీవించి ఉన్న కొద్దీ , బ్రతికున్న కార్మికులను పీక్కు తింటూ ఉంటుంది. ఉదాహరణ : శ్రీమాన్ బిల్ గేట్స్ గారు తన జీనియస్ ను ఉపయోగించి విండోస్ ఆపరేటింగ్ సిస్టమ్ ను, డాస్ ను కనిపెట్టారు. ఇది గొప్ప విషయం. ఆయన ఈ మృత శ్రమను పెట్టుబడిగా మార్చాక, ఇంక ప్రపంచాన్ని పీడించటం మొదలు పెట్టాడు. ఆయన కొన్ని దానాలు ధర్మాలు చేస్తున్నట్లు నటిస్తున్నప్పటికి, అయన ప్రపంచాన్ని తన విండోస్ తో దోచుకోటం ఆపలేదు. ఇదే విధంగా వారెన్ బఫెట్ మొ. వారు. మృత శ్రమ పెట్టుబడిగా మారి, తన జీనియస్ కి తగిన పారితోషికాన్ని పొందటంలో తప్పు లేదు. దానికి పరిమితి ఉండద్దా ?
■VYASA MAHABHARATA TRANSLATED BY Ganguli, BOOK3, BOOK OF FOREST/m03 190.♞:♛The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva: Markandeya-Samasya Parva♝
♛Janamejaya said, "It behoveth you to narrate to me in full the greatness ♝
♛of the Brahmanas even as the mighty ascetic Markandeya had expounded it to the sons of Pandu.♝
♛" Vaisampayana said, 'The eldest son of Pandu had asked Markandeya saying, 'It behoveth you to expound to me the greatness of Brahmanas.♝
♛Markandeya answered him saying, 'Hear, O king, about the behaviour of Brahmanas in days of old.♝
♛"And Markandeya continued, 'There was a king, by name Parikshit in Ayodhya and belonging to the race of Ikshvaku.♝
♛ And once upon a time Parikshit went a-hunting.♝
♛ And as he was riding alone on a horse chasing deer, the animal led him to a great distance (from the habitations of men).♝
♛ And fatigued by the distance he had ridden and afflicted with hunger and thirst he beheld in that part of the country whither he had been led, a dark and dense forest, and the king, beholding that forest, entered it and seeing a delightful tank within the forest, both the rider and the horse bathed in it, and refreshed by the bath and placing before his horse some stalks and fibres of the lotus, the king sat by the side of the tank.♝
♛ And while he was lying by the side of the tank, he heard certain sweet strains of music, and hearing those strains, he reflected, 'I do not see here the foot-prints of men.♝
♛ Whose and whence then these strains?' And the king soon beheld a maiden of great beauty gathering flowers singing all the while, and the maiden soon came before the king, and the king thereupon asked her, 'Blessed one, who art thou and whose?' And she replied, 'I am a maiden.♝
♛And the king said, 'I ask you to be mine.♝
♛And the maiden answered, 'Give me a pledge, for then only I can be thine, else not.♝
♛And the king then asked about the pledge and the girl answered.♝
♛ 'Thou wilt never make me cast my eyes on water', and the king saying, 'So be it,' married her, and king Parikshit having married her sported (with her) in great joy, and sat with her in silence, and while the king was staying there, his troops reached the spot, and those troops beholding the monarch stood surrounding him, and cheered by the presence of troops, the king entered a handsome vehicle accompanied by his (newly) wedded wife.♝
♛ And having arrived at his capital he began to live with her in privacy.♝
♛ And persons that were even near enough to the king could not obtain any interview with him and the minister-in-chief enquired of those females that waited upon the king, asking, 'What do ye do here?' And those women replied, 'We behold here a female of unrivalled beauty.♝
♛ And the king sporteth with her, having married her with a pledge that he would never show her water.♝
♛And hearing those words, the minister-in-chief caused an artificial forest to be created, consisting of many trees with abundant flowers and fruits, and he caused to be excavated within that forest and towards one of its sides a large tank, placed in a secluded spot and full of water that was sweet as Amrita.♝
♛ The tank was well covered with a net of pearls.♝
♛ Approaching the king one day in private, he addressed the king saying, ♝
:✔Continuing Superstitions in 21st Century is a Universal Problem. It is not just limited to India. Whenever superstitious incidents take place, we can only derive some happiness, from audio-visuals they distribute to us.♝
✔It appears that Websites, TVs and Newspapers from Islamic countries such as Khaleej Times have tried to highlight the News of India's Defence Minister performing a traditional worship while taking delivery of the first Rafale Aircraft, as if he has committed some sacrilege. (Note: I am not a BJP supporter).
✔While many Indians have shifted to a relatively non-violence procedures by offering fruits and vegetables to Gods/goddesses instead of goats, sheep and cattle, Islamic and Christian countries still continue their barbaric ways.♝
✔Indian shift to milder propitiations of God(desse)s may be as a result of shift to Buddhism from North European, South European and Persian Aryanism.♝
✔Anyway, that is an improvement from a larger savage of beheading wailing sheep and goats. So, what is the use of pinpointing the errors of neighbor countries by the Islamic Media, when the Islamic countries themselves have relatively more savageous superstitions?♝
✔Buddhism, a better religion is more ancient when compared to both Christianity and Islam. I am not a Buddhist. Nor am I, its propagandist. Buddhism had/has its own flaws. ♝
✔Yet, if at all religions and customs are absolutely unavoidable, probably Buddhism seems to be a better choice. For this reason only, probably late B.R. Ambedkar might have shifted to Buddhism.♝ ✔Nevertheless, I sincerely wish that Islamic Media do some introspection. (9aa)♝
I undertake English, Hindi, Telugu language Translations. My labor charges: Ind. Rs. 110 per input page. E-mail input files to y b h a s k at g m a i l .com. No need to phone. Some of the documents which I have translated earlier: Sale Deeds, Public Copies of Sale Deeds, Sale Agreements, Lease Agreements, Mortgage Deeds, Land Records such as pahani-chowfasla, 10-1Adangal, Legal Notices, Replies to Legal Notices, Court Decrees, Police FIRs, Inquest Reports, Market Brochures, Employee Standing Orders, Letters to Govt. Departments, Letters received from Govt. Departments, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marks Lists, Ration Cards, Ration Card Name deletion Certificates, Adoption Agreements, Divorce Agreements etc. etc.
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