TODAY'S highlights:
- I am aware of the System of Pink Slips prevailing in India, used by IT Companies to get rid of excess staff which the IT Companies exploited to the dregs when it suited them.
- We also know about how the IT Companies world over discourage / prevent formation of Employee / Worker Unions, in connivance with the Labor Law Enforcement Government Officials.
- We also know about how the Labor Law Enforcing Government Officials acquiesce to Labor Law Violations by IT Companies.
- We also know how the Private Sector Business Persons and Corporate Heads shout from roof tops that Government is corrupt, and that Private Sector is extra-ordinarily efficient and Clean.
- Gullible Indians might have believed it. But I have never believed it. I had and have, numerous doubts/apprehensions about the corruption prevailing among Private Sector Bureaucrats at all levels, but then, adequate evidence is not available because some of the corruption among Private Sector Bureaucrats take place in connivance with the Members of the Families controlling the Corporate Groups.
- Yesterday, I heard a shocking news. A Girl B. Tech. Graduate from Andhra Pradesh went to Bengaluru in search of livelihood. After some effort, she could get an IT job in a Top IT Company in Bengaluru, starting with the letter "H". For getting that job, she had to accept a Notional Loan of Rs. 3,00,000/- (three hundred thousand) extended by the Recruiter / HRD-Controllers of the IT Company towards their kickbacks / bribes. It is very simple. The newly recruited Employee has to pay @ Rs. 5,000 per month from her Salary, to the Recruiters/ HRD-Controllers till the Notional Loan of Rs. 3,00,000/- extended by them, gets extinguished. Her present salary is Rs. 20,000/- per month. With the remaining Rs. 15,000/-, she has to survive in Bengaluru. She is silently bearing the torture.
- I have my own apprehensions. After the loan of Rs. 300,000 is paid (if there is no interest burden, it will take 60 months), after 5 years, will she be continued? Or will she be given a pink slip?
TODAY'S untrivia:
■PROBLEM: APPARENT ACCUMULATION OF STEEL STOCKS WITH RINL Visakhapatnam. SOLUTION: Govt. of India should buy the Vizag Steel's products at Cost + Normal Profit basis ♞:
RiNL seems to be facing a problem of accumulating Steel Output. If it is correct, Government of India should come to the rescue of the Public Sector Steel Plant, by buying the accumulated Steel Products.
- Depending on the type of the Steel products (e.g. rods, plates, sheets, wires, etc.), the products can be used for strengthening the Fences across Indo-Pak, and Indo-Bangla Desh Borders. Additional layers of Fences can be built as a second line of Barriers against entry of Infiltrators. More bunkers may be built for sheltering the Guards. Additional watch towers cum rain-snow-shelter booths can be built with increased frequency, along the Borders.
- Steel stocks available with the RINL can be used for production of more Battle Tanks. If needed, RINL can be requested to add some Alloy-Forging Foundries, in co-ordination with the DMRL (Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory), for production of Stronger-Sheets needed for Battle Tanks.
- Some Steel can be used in production of Defence Logistic and Transport Trucks for moving soldiers, arms and ammunitions, and consumables such as food, winter clothing etc.
- If any Army Camps, Navy Camps, Airforce Camps are running short of Steel Furniture, Strong Rooms (for storing ammunition etc.), they can now be supported.
- Ordnance Factories can be consulted to ascertain whether they need any Steel items.
- Ordinarily, Indian Domestic Markets should be able to absorb all the Steel produced by INdian Public Sector Steel Units. Government Departments, Government Corporations, Indian Railways, should give priority to Public Sector Steel, while purchasing their Steel needs.
- My perception is "Material-Purchase-Departments" in Government and Public Sector, seem to be loaded with Corrupt Officials who make their purchase decisions based kickbacks received from Private Sector Companies. Government of India should give stern warnings to all the Govt. Departments and PSUs to purchase their steel only from Public Sector Steel Units such as Visakhapatnam, Bhilai, Rour Kela, Bokaro. And, Government of India should obtain confirmations from the Public Sector Steel Units that they are getting Purchase Orders from Government Departments and Public Sector.
- Marketing Competition among Public Sector Steel Units to supply steel to Government Departments and PSUs should normally be sufficient to create a "Buyers-controlled Market" for the Government Departments and Public Sector Buyers. The Purchasing Govt. Departments and PSUs should issue tender documents only to Public Sector Suppliers. E-tendering Advertisements are also to be modified to that effect.
Here is a 10 Multiple Choice Question Test on your favorite subject. Some Qs are actual Examination Questions, ABRIDGED & EDITED for brevity, and to facilitate easier comprehension. Actual Exam. Qs were lengthy and circumlocutive. Qs can be answered online, and score can be checked by clicking ~showprogress~ box at the end of any Q. There are minus marks of 0.25 (quarter mark) for each wrong answer. If any Qs are left out, there will be no change in score. ==Answers and explanations== for each Q can also be checked by moving your mouse on the word `mouse` at the end of each Q. You can try and retry any number of times.
TODAY'S BHARTRUHARI--Sringara Satakam (100 verses of Love & Lust):
cana rastAvadEvEndriyANAm,
LajjAm tAvad vidhattE,
vinayam api samAlambatE tAvad Eva,
BhrU cApA AkrishTa muktAha
SravaNa patha gatA nIla pakshmANa EtE
YAval lIlAvatInAm na hrid dhritimushO
drishTi bANAha patanti.♝
♛Eyebrows are the bows in the hands of women. Pulling them upto their ears, women shoot arrows of their looks at men. The arrows of looks are fitted with sharp edges called ‘eye lids'. They are capable of ruining the courage of men.♝
♛As long as these arrows of women's looks strike the men, the men will follow the path of righteousness and rein their sense organs. Till then, the men hesitate to undertake evil dEds. Till then, they will be reverant to elders.♝
■ENGLISH grammar: TWO SINGULAR SUBJECTS JOINED BY 'AND' ♞:♛need plural pronouns .♝
■VYASA MAHABHARATA TRANSLATED BY Ganguli, BOOK3, BOOK OF FOREST/m03 196.♞:♛The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva: Markandeya-Samasya Parva♝
Context: Sage Markandeya is narrating the Story of SIBI to Prince Yudhishthira, who is on a 12 year Forest Exile, and 1 year of Incognito Exile. The Lord of Demi Gods "Indra" and the Fire God "Agni" visit Sibi's Court to test him. Indra was disguised as a hawk. Agni was disguised as a pigeon. They were acting as though the Hawk was chasing the pigeon for food.
♛ And Agni took the form of a pigeon flying away from Indra who pursued him in the form of a hawk, and that pigeon fell upon the lap of king Sivi who was seated on an excellent seat.♝
♛ And the priest thereupon addressing the king said, 'Afraid of the hawk and desirous of saving its life, this pigeon hath come to you for safety.♝
♛ The learned have said that the falling of a pigeon upon one's body forebodeth a great danger.♝
♛ Let the king that understands omens give away wealth for saving himself from the danger indicated.♝
♛And the pigeon also addressed the king and said, 'Afraid of the hawk and desirous of saving my life I have come to you for protection.♝
♛ I am a Muni. Having assumed the form of a pigeon, I come to you as a seeker of your protection. Indeed, I seek you as my life. Know me as one possessed of Vedic lore, as one leading the Brahmacharya mode of life, as one possessed also of self-control and ascetic virtues. And know me further as one that has never spoken disagreeably unto his preceptor, as one possessed of every virtue indeed, as one that is sinless.♝
♛ I repeat the Vedas, I know their prosody; indeed, I have studied all the Vedas letter by letter. ♛ I am not a pigeon.♝ ♛ Oh, do not yield me up to the hawk.♝
♛ The giving up of a learned and pure Brahmana can never be a good gift.♝
♛And after the pigeon said so, the hawk addressed the king, and said, 'Creatures do not come into the world in the same particular order.♝
♛ In the order of creation, you mayst, in a former birth, have been begotten by this pigeon.♝
♛ It is not proper for you, O king, to interfere with my food by protecting this pigeon (even though he might have been your father).♝
♛And thus addressed, the king said, 'Hath any one, before this, seen birds thus speak the pure speech of man? Knowing what this pigeon sayeth, and this hawk also, how can we act to-day according to virtue? He that giveth up an affrighted creature seeking protection, unto its foe, doth not obtain protection when he is in need of it himself.♝
♛ Indeed, the very clouds do not shower rain seasonably for him, and the seeds though scattered do not grow for him.♝
♛ He that giveth up an afflicted creature seeking protection unto its foe, hath to see his offspring die in childhood.♝
♛ The ancestor of such a person can never dwell in heaven; indeed, the very gods decline to accept the libations of clarified butter poured by him into the fire.♝ ♛ He that giveth up an affrighted creature seeking protection, unto its foe, is struck with the thunder-bolt by the gods with Indra at their head.♝ ♛ The food that he eateth is unsanctified, and he, of a narrow soul, falleth from heaven very soon.♝ ♛ O hawk, let the people of the Sibi tribe place before thee a bull cooked with rice instead of this pigeon.♝ ♛ And let them also carry to the place where you livest in joy, meat in abundance.♝ ♛And hearing this, the hawk said, 'O king, I do not ask for a bull, nor, indeed, any other meat, nor meat more in quantity than that of this pigeon.♝ ♛ It hath been given to me by the gods. The creature, therefore, is my food today in consequence of its death that hath been ordained.♝
♛Indra: O monarch, give it up to me.♝
♛Thus addressed by the hawk, the king said, 'Let my men see and carefully carry the bull to you with every limb entire.♝
♛ Let that bull be the ransom of this creature afflicted with fright and let it be carried to you before my eyes.♝
♛ Oh, slay not this pigeon! I will yield up my very life, yet I would not give up this pigeon.♝
♛ Dost you not know, O hawk, that this creature looketh like a sacrifice with the Soma juice? O blessed one, cease to take so much trouble for it.♝
♛ I cannot, by any means, yield up the pigeon to thee.♝
♛ Or, O hawk, if it pleases thee, command me to do some such thing which I may do for thee, which may be agreeable to thee, and upon doing which the men of the Sibi tribe may yet in joy bless me in terms of applause.♝
♛ I promise you that I will do what you mayst did me do.♝
♛And at this appeal of the king, the hawk said, 'O king, if you give me as much flesh as would be equal to the weight of the pigeon, cutting it off your right thigh; then can the pigeon be properly saved by thee; then wouldst you do what would be agreeable to me and what the men of the Sibi tribe would speak of in terms of praise.♝
♛And the king agreed to this and he cut off a piece of flesh from his right thigh and weighed it against the pigeon.♝
♛ But the pigeon weighed heavier. And thereupon the king cut off another piece of his flesh, but the pigeon still weighed heavier, and then the king cut off pieces of flesh from all parts of his body and placed them on the scale.♝
♛ But the pigeon still weighed heavier, and then the king himself ascended the scale and he felt no grief at this and beholding this, the hawk disappeared there saying— (The pigeon hath been) Saved,— And the king asked the pigeon saying, 'O pigeon, let the Sibis know who the hawk is.♝
♛ None but the lord of the universe could do as he did.♝
♛ O Holy One, answer you this question of mine!' And the pigeon then said, 'I am the smoke-bannered Agni called also Vaiswanara.♝
♛ The hawk is none other than Sachi's lord armed with the thunder-bolt.♝
♛ O son of Suratha, you are a bull among men. We came to try you.♝
♛ These pieces of flesh, O king, that you hast cut off with your sword from your body for saving me have caused gashes in your body.♝
♛ I will make these marks auspicious and handsome and they will be of the colour of gold and emit a sweet perfume, and earning great fame and respected by the gods and the Rishis you shall long rule these subjects of thine, and a son will spring from your flank who shall be called Kapataroman.♝
♛ O king, you shalt obtain this son of the name of Kapataroman from out of your own body and you wilt behold him become the foremost of the Saurathas, blazing with renown, possessed of bravery and great personal beauty ! " ♝
ybrao-a-donkey's personal view, not intended to be imposed on others: It is great that Sibi was willing to lay down his life for saving the Pigoen which sought shelter on his lap. But simultaneouly, we can also observe that he was willing to offer a bull to Indra as food. What will our pseudo-Hindutva Campaigners will say about this?
I undertake English, Hindi, Telugu language Translations. My labor charges: Ind. Rs. 110 per input page. E-mail input files to y b h a s k at g m a i l .com. No need to phone. Some of the documents which I have translated earlier: Sale Deeds, Public Copies of Sale Deeds, Sale Agreements, Lease Agreements, Mortgage Deeds, Land Records such as pahani-chowfasla, 10-1Adangal, Legal Notices, Replies to Legal Notices, Court Decrees, Police FIRs, Inquest Reports, Market Brochures, Employee Standing Orders, Letters to Govt. Departments, Letters received from Govt. Departments, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marks Lists, Ration Cards, Ration Card Name deletion Certificates, Adoption Agreements, Divorce Agreements etc. etc.
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