TODAY'S highlights:
- Mr. Narendra Modi, Hon. PM of India, visited Swami Vivekananda founded Belur Math, Kolkata, on the occasion of SV's Birth Anniversary, on 12th Jan. 2019, which is also celebrated as National Youth Day.
- There he spoke to students. A quote attributed to him: "...Some are playing political games with it. ... You understood this very clearly. But those playing political games purposely refuse to understand. People are being misled over the Citizenship Amendment Act. ..."
- "...The act does not seek to take away citizenship from anyone. ... I repeat again, Citizenship act is not to revoke anyone's citizenship, but it is to give citizenship. After independence, Mahatma Gandhi ji and other big leaders of the time all believed that India should give citizenship to persecuted religious minorities of Pakistan. "
- "...Had we not amended the citizenship law, this 'vivaad' (dispute) would not have arisen. Had this dispute not arisen, the world would not have known the kind of atrocities that were perpetrated on the (religious) minorities in Pakistan..."
- "....how human rights have been violated. How the lives of our sisters and daughters were ruined. It's the result of our initiative that Pakistan will have to answer for its acts of oppression against the minorities there..."
- The feedback from the Head of the Belur Math and GS of Ramakrishna Mission &Math. is worth noting:
- "...We are strictly an apolitical body. We cannot comment on the PM's speech on CAA. We have come here after leaving our homes to answer to eternal call. We do not respond to ephemeral call..."
- "...We are above politics. To us Narendra Modi is the leader of India and Mamata Banerjee is the leader of West Bengal ... we are inclusive as an organisation which has monks from Hindu, Islam, Christian (faiths). We live like more than brothers of same parents. ..."
- "...But when you have a guest... Atithi Devo Bhava (Engl: Guest is God) is the Indian culture. And you must extend all kinds of courtesies, decencies to him. And if something you feel ought not have been told, the onus lies on the person who tells it but not on the host -- by no logic. ..."
- ybrao-a-donkey's personal views, not intended to be imposed on others, with no malice towards anybody. My views may have an Atheist and Marxist bias.
- The Belur Math and its Administrators cannot afford to displease either the PMOI and the GOI, or the Chief Minister of Bengal and the Bengal State Government.
- The Ramakrishna Mission gets substantial donations from abroad. Hence, the Mission and the Math will have to manage the donations in such a way that they do not violate FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act), and the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 - FCRA. They have to submit required Returns and Statements to the Central Government. Violations can lead either to acquiescence or investigations at any time, past, present and future. In spite of best efforts, ordinarily, Organisations receiving donations cannot avoid unintended violations. Hence, receivers of Donations from abroad cannot afford to be on the wrong side of the Law-Enforcers.
- The Ramakrishna Mission runs some Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Orphanages which depend on Aid given by the State Government of West Bengal. If the Mission and Math displease the State's Rulers, whatever be their Party, queries may be raised on the State Government's Aids and Grants, and stoppage of Aids and Grants can lead to closure of Institutions. This the Ramakrishna Mission has to prevent.
- Thus it has become inevitable for the RK Mission to chase with the hounds (i.e. BJP which is for enforcing CAA, and its Leaders Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and Home Minister Shri Amit Shah ), and flee/run with the hares (TMC Party and Ms. Mamta Banerjee) which runs the State which has to provide Grants to RK Mission run Institutions.
- Whether monks or householders, Charitable Institutions, essentially, in Capitalist System, they are subject to bourgeoisie behaviors; and under Capitalism, all human relations become PECUNIARY RELATIONSHIPS.
- Links to those Supreme Court Cases are given below, for the benefit of my Readers, who are interested to know the details.
- Click to go to https://indiankanoon.org/doc/967081/. This Supreme Court judgement is in: PETITIONER: BRAMCHARI SIDHESWAR BHAI &ORS.ETC. Vs. RESPONDENT: STATE OF WEST BENGAL ETC. Judgement dt. 2.7.1995.
- In India, Minority Religions and the Educational Institutions run by them are given some Special Exemptions and some additional freedoms to run their Educational Institutions. For claiming these Special Exemptions and additional freedoms, Ramakrishna Mission seems to have claimed that theirs is a Minority Religion and their Institutions are Minorities-run Educational Institutions.
- Of course, the Supreme Court has not accepted this Contention.
- The following News Report of https://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=3536 has reviewed the various facets. This discussion is also quite information.
- From this Hinduismtoday.com Report, I quote a paragraph:
"...While gaining its primary object--control of the schools--the RK Mission has taken a brutal public flogging from religious leaders, politicians, newspapers and the man in the street [see sidebar, page 7] over its attempted separation from Hinduism. What rankled Hindus the most was the extensive arguments made in hundreds of pages of court submissions that somehow Swami Vivekananda had abandoned Hinduism 'to become a preacher of a religion basically different from Hinduism.' "
- "... When asked about it, the RK Mission General Secretary, Swami Atmashtananda, told Hinduism Today by phone from Calcutta that, 'Whatever legal brains have done is for lawyers to say.' "
- "...The RK Mission's explanation has been all along that it has taken this step to save its schools, and that the court statements are simply part of the necessary legal maneuvers. However, the thoroughness of their arguments belies the explanation of mere legal exigency. Someone within the RK Mission, and not just their lawyers, spent long hours formulating a line of reasoning--declared specious by the court--that Swami Vivekananda renounced and even denounced his Hindu heritage. A significant rearrangement of historical fact was required in the process. ..."
- [Resuming ybrao-a-donkey's personal views:]--
- In this single blog post, it is not possible for me to provide detailed quotes about Swami Vivekananda's occasional distancing himself from Hindus. In this respect, Swami Vivekananda's actions and reactions were not stable. They fluctuated depending on the rhetoric needed. His approach was contingent on the situational demands such as need for Approval and Applause from American Aristocratic Women, and American Elite persons such as Professors, Business Tycoons.
- However, as one sample, here is a link to a letter addressed by Swami Vivekananda to his Chennai supporter Alasinga, from Paris on 9th September 1895. Link for those who wish to read the letter: Click here if you wish to go to https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Complete_Works_of_Swami_Vivekananda/Volume_5/Epistles_-_First_Series/LII_Alasinga.
Dear Alasinga : ". . . I am surprised you take so seriously the missionaries' nonsense. . . . If the people in India want me to keep strictly to my Hindu diet, please tell them to send me a cook and money enough to keep him. This silly bossism without a mite of real help makes me laugh. ..."
- "...As for me, mind you, I stand at nobody's dictation. I know my mission in life, and no chauvinism about me; I belong as much to India as to the world, no humbug about that. I have helped you all I could. You must now help yourselves. What country has any special claim on me? Am I any nation's slave? Don't talk any more silly nonsense, you faithless atheists. ..."
- "...I have worked hard and sent all the money I got to Calcutta and Madras, and then after doing all this, stand their silly dictation! Are you not ashamed? What do I owe to them? Do I care a fig for their praise or fear their blame? I am a singular man, my son, not even you can understand me yet. Do your work; if you cannot, stop; but do not try to "boss" me with your nonsense. I see a greater Power than man, or God, or devil at my back. I require nobody's help. I have been all my life helping others. . . . They cannot raise a few rupees to help the work of the greatest man their country ever produced — Ramakrishna Paramahamsa; and they talk nonsense and want to dictate to the man for whom they did nothing, find who did everything he could for them! Such is the ungrateful world! ..."
- [ybrao-a-donkey continuing]
- From an indepth study of the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, particularly his Epistles (letters), it is difficult for me to believe that Vivekananda sent much money to Calcutta or Madras. Instead, supporters like Alasinga (Chennai), Satyananda Rao (Belgam) seemed to have sent monetary support to Swami Vivekananda. For those Readers who interested to go through my studies into Complete Works of SV, can see my painstaking blog http://vivekanandayb.blogspot.com.
- For today's blogpost, last but not the last: Link: Click here to go to FinancialExpress.com to read the following quote:
- Here is a quote from a Press Meet address dt. 12th Jan.2019, Swami Suvirananda, the Ramakrishna Math and Mission general secretary , which says that their monks do not vote in Elections, as they are a-political (not political).
"...We are apolitical to that extent that our monks do not cast votes. The only order in the world which does not cast votes... ".
- But the Printin.com's report Click here to go to https://theprint.in/india/deeply-hurtful-why-ramakrishna-mission-is-not-happy-with-modis-caa-comments-in-belur/349213/
- indicates that a Senior Monk Swami Chetanananda said that monks are not allowed to vote:
Swami Chetanananda, another senior monk at the mission, similarly said, '...We are not even allowed to vote. Otherwise, by now you would have seen some political party trying to seek affinity, this hasn’t happened because of Swamiji’s rare acumen. ...'
- [ybrao-a-donkey continuing his personal view] To vote or not to vote, is a personal decision to be taken by Individual Citizens. If we are not going to be overzealous, we can even say that "Right to Vote" is a human right. No religion or religious cult can take away this right from its Members, whatever be the Reason for abstinence from Voting.
- Prisoners in India (both convicted & undertrial) do not have right to Vote. A quote from the following link shows that Voters in India are yet to get Right to Vote. Click here to go to https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/one-can-contest-elections-from-jail-why-not-vote-three-up-law-students-are-fighting-for-prisoners-rights-2093799.html.
The Representation of the People Act, 1951, Section 62(5) states that "No person shall vote at any election if he is confined in a prison, whether under a sentence of imprisonment or transportation or otherwise, or is in the lawful custody of the police: Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to a person subjected to preventive detention under any law for the time being in force".
- Chapter 43 of the Reference Handbook on the General Elections, released by the Election Commission in 2014, further excluded under-trial prisoners from voting even if their names are on electoral rolls.
- However, as per Section 62(5) if the Representation Act, those being held under preventive detention can participate in elections and cast their vote via postal ballots. In 2014, the Election Commission also confirmed that detainees had the right to vote, but not under-trials and convicts. However, no vote has as yet been cast from inside a prison or by a prisoner.
- So, at least in one respect, ie. 'Not being allowed to vote in Elections", the Prisoners in Indian jails and the Monks in RK Mission are APPARENTLY on par. I hope the Administrators and Monks of RK Mission will forgive me for my personal view.
TODAY'S untrivia:
■Who is responsible for the plight of the People of the Residual Andhra Pradesh? ♞:
- The People of Residual Andhra Pradesh (also called శేషాంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ by ybrao a donkey) are caught by the Proverbial Demons called "RAhu" and "kEtu". For those who are not familiar with Indian Mythologies: RAhu and kEtu are "shadow planets called ఛాయా గ్రహాలు" responsible for Eclipses of Sun and Moon. They are demons beheaded by Lord VishNu, when he was in the disguise of the most bewitching Nymph "mOhini". After beheading, rAhu bears head, but no torso. Ketu bears torso, but no head. When a solar or a lunar eclipse takes place, notionally, it is believed either rAhu or kEtu devor Sun or Moon. Hence some eclipses are rAhu-caused Eclipses రాహు గ్రస్త గ్రహణం, and some eclipses are called kEtu-caused eclipses కేతు గ్రస్త గ్రహణం.
- For the people of Residual Andhra Pradesh who are about 50 million in number, Mr. Nara Chandra Babu Naidu may be notionally considered as the rAhu. His 2014-19 Rule was a sort of rAhu-caused Eclipse. Mr. Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy's from-May-2019 Rule is like kEtu-caused Eclipse. No doubt, both |Andhra rAhu and Andhra kEtu have done some good things for the Seshandra People. But, the harm they have done, they are doing, they are likely to do , even an Einstein like Genius cannot assess or predict.
- Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu has converted all the people in Residual Andhra Pradesh, who have some of their own money or borrowed money, into Builders, Brokers, Gamblers, and Speculators of lands and plots, in almost all Towns-Cities-villages-in-their-outskirts which have a population of say 200,000. This is particularly so in case of CRDA (Capital Regional Development Area) and its neighborhoods, which have become destinations for People searching for McNNah's gold
- The common trait between Mr. Naidu and Mr. Reddy is their dictatorial tyrannical mode of working. Though they are elected only for a five year term, they and their cronies seem to believe that they are elected for life, with a bonus of anointment of offsprings as Successors. (Mr. Jagan Reddy seemed to have believed that he had a natural right of succession for accession of his father Late Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy 's throne. As Ms. Sonia Gandhi did not grant that boon after the sudden demise of his father in a Chopper-Crash, Mr. Jagan Reddy revolted against Congress, and pursued his own goals independently.
- Then, it may be recalled, that a Congress MLA of Hyderabad, one Mr. P. Shankara Rao filed a Writ in United Andhra Pradesh High Court, seeking an inquiry into the Disproportionate assets amassed by Mr. Jagan Mohan Reddy. That Hyderabad High Court Ordered CBI inquiry of 2011 led to meticulous investigations by its Joint Director Mr. V.V. Lakshmi Narayana, who has collected truckloads of evidence for the quid-quo-pro activities of Mr. Jagan Mohan Reddy encouraged by his father Late Rajasekhar Reddy . It is for the CBI Court to decide whether Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy was guilty or not, and convict him. Thereafter, there will naturally be series of appeals to High Courts and Supreme Court.
- As the matter is sub-judice, we cannot comment on the culpability or unculpability (also inculpability) of Mr. Reddy , prima facie , there seems to be enough evidence.
- That was in 2011. We are in 2020!!! The case is still pending in a CBI Court in Hyderabad. As per program, the CBI Court seems to be formally hearing the Case. But, we are not getting any Press Reports or Electronic Media Reports about the Proceedings. It also appears that the Court seems to be keen on hearing the Case in camera, in the presence of ONLY THE Counsels of the Prosecution and Defence. In Camera proceedings usually take place in case of offenses such as rapes against women, where women witnesses may feel shy to narrate what happened to them. For Economic Offenses there cannot be such sound reasons for secrecy. In case of Economic Offenses involving Corruption at Top, the Expectation is that there will be transparency. Transparency vouchsafes that all are equal before Law.
- If a single CBI Judge is going to hear a Serious Economic Offense of amassing about Rs. 40,000 crore (Rs. 400 billion) according to some estimates, involving truckloads of documents, when can the Inquiry be completed , if hearing takes place only one a Week, on every Friday?
- And even this once a week Court-hearing, the Accused want to avoid attending because they are Chief Ministers or Rajya Sabha Members or some other too-busy-bee.
- It may be true that Supreme Court is heavily burdened with piled up Cases. The High Courts may be carrying on their backs hundreds of thousands of Cases. Then, there may be severe shortage of Judges at all the three levels Trial Courts at District Level, High Courts at State Level, and Supreme Court at the Apex Level.
- But, yet, this ybrao-a-donkey has a strong feeling that Supreme Court or the High Court has not given much thought or attention for speeding up the Trial of Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy and his Associates, notwithstanding the Adage "Justice delayed is Justice Denied". (In INdia this Adage has become a sort of cliche).
- Theoretically, in the eyes of Law, an Accused is treated as Innocent, till the Court convicts him-her. Once released on bail, he-she can go on repeating their offenses, as long as their new crimes do not go to the Notice of the Courts. This can happen even after conviction at Trial Court, when an appeal is filed before the High Court, and the Supreme Court after a judgement by the High Court.
- RESUMPTION OF SMALL CRIMES BY SMALL CRIMINALS When the repetition of offenses take place when accused-on-bail / convicts-waiting-trials-on-appeals, resume their old habits, in case of petty thieves the damage to the society and the country may not be much.
- Similarly in case of Criminals who committed their crimes when they were in an emotionally disturbed State or when there was a fit of rage, chances of repetitive pepetration of their Crimes are few and rare. They do not occur every day.
- On the other hand, the Economic Offenders who suck/siphon Public Funds tend to commit them repeatedly and habitually. And this tendency of Repeating Economic Offenses may become an OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) in Case of Politicians who become Rulers, when elected by innocent/corrupt voters, when lured by Cash and liquor. Now, the Rulers will become bosses for the Bureaucrats / Police Officials who investigated their Cases earlier or who arrested them. The Rulers in their arrogance, may start taking vengeance against every Bureaucrat / Police Official who does not prostate before them and implement their edicts with going into their legalities or justifiabilities or ethical validityies.
- The makers of our Constitution many of whom were Freedom Fighters and noble persons might not have foreseen this type of dangerous situation.
Here is a 10 Multiple Choice Question Test on your favorite subject. Some Qs are actual Examination Questions, ABRIDGED & EDITED for brevity, and to facilitate easier comprehension. Actual Exam. Qs were lengthy and circumlocutive. Qs can be answered online, and score can be checked by clicking ~showprogress~ box at the end of any Q. There are minus marks of 0.25 (quarter mark) for each wrong answer. If any Qs are left out, there will be no change in score. ==Answers and explanations== for each Q can also be checked by moving your mouse on the word `mouse` at the end of each Q. You can try and retry any number of times.
TODAY'S BHARTRUHARI--Sringara Satakam (100 verses of Love & Lust):
Sruti mukhar mukhAnAm kEvalam panDitAnAm
Jaghanam aruNa ratna granthi kAncI kalApam
Kuvalaya nayanAnAm kO vihAtum samarthaha.♝
♛The scholars with a fake renunciation declare the union with women as blameworthy and quote from scriptures. Which scholar is capable of resisting the thighs, and the frontier of the waist (bound by gem-studded ornament) of lotus eyed damsels?♝
■ENGLISH grammar: PASSIVE VOICE TO ACTIVE VOICE, PRESUMPTION OF SUBJECT ♞:♛We can sometimes presume the subject of a sentence while converting from passive voice to active voice ( passive:♝
♛Passive: My purse has been stolen. ♝
♛Active: Somebody has stolen my purse.♝
■VYASA MAHABHARATA TRANSLATED BY Ganguli, BOOK3, BOOK OF FOREST/m03251.♞:♛The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva: Ghosha-yatra Parva. Karna is trying to persuading Duryodhana, for making arrangements to go on an Excursion to go to Forests near the hermitages of Pandavas, so as to tease them♝
♛I shall, O monarch, conquer the earth furnished with mountains and woods and forests. The earth had been conquered by the four powerful Pandavas. I shall, without doubt, conquer it for you single-handed. Let that wretch of the Kuru race, the exceedingly wicked-minded Bhishma, see it, —he who vilifies those that do not deserve censure, and praises those that should not be praised. Let him this day witness my might, and blame himself.♝
♛ Do thou, O king, command me.♝ Victory shall surely be thine. By my weapon, O monarch, I swear this before thee.♝
♛"O king, O bull of the Bharata race, hearing those words of Kama, that lord of men, experiencing the highest delight, spoke unto Karna, saying, 'I am blessed.♝
♛ I have been favoured by thee,— since thou, endued with great strength, are ever intent on my welfare.♝
♛ My life hath borne fruit, to-day.♝
♛ As thou, O hero, intendest to subdue all our enemies, repair thou.♝
♛ May good betide you ! Do you command me (what I am to do),' O subduer of foes, having been thus addressed by Dhritarashtra's intelligent son, Karna ordered all the necessaries for the excursion.♝
♛ And on an auspicious lunar day, at an auspicious moment, and under the influence of a star presided over by an auspicious deity, that mighty bowman, having been honoured by twice-born ones, and been bathed with auspicious and holy substances and also worshipped by speech set out, filling with the rattle of his car the three ♝
♛worlds, with their mobile and immobile objects.♝
I undertake English, Hindi, Telugu language Translations. My labor charges: Ind. Rs. 110 per input page. E-mail input files to y b h a s k at g m a i l .com. No need to phone. Some of the documents which I have translated earlier: Sale Deeds, Public Copies of Sale Deeds, Sale Agreements, Lease Agreements, Mortgage Deeds, Land Records such as pahani-chowfasla, 10-1Adangal, Legal Notices, Replies to Legal Notices, Court Decrees, Police FIRs, Inquest Reports, Market Brochures, Employee Standing Orders, Letters to Govt. Departments, Letters received from Govt. Departments, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marks Lists, Ration Cards, Ration Card Name deletion Certificates, Adoption Agreements, Divorce Agreements etc. etc.
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