Here is a Special Unbiased (unbiased according to me ybrao-a-donkey) Essay on CAA/NRC/NPR, the Current Affairs Burning Topic. If you disagree with me, you are welcome, to write your comments in the Comment Box. But, please always keep in mind: National Interests, International Courtesies, and the needs of Pluralism.
TODAY'S highlights:
- Clarification: I am not a supporter/hater of BJP or Pseudo Hindutva. Nor am I, a supporter of Congress or Regional Parties. As an atheist and Marxist, both of the tenets which I fancy in my mind, are not implementable today's Indian or even Global environment, on this Earth. There, will, therefore just be, some rantings, to release my steam from my stressed mind. This is one special essay which I am publishing in Public Interest. Views expressed herein are my personal views. They are not intended to be imposed on others. If any is hurt with what I have written here, he-she can write their comments in the Comments window. I hope this Special Unbiased Essay will help aspirants who prepare for Competitive Examinations.
- Prima facie, if properly implemented, there is nothing to oppose the CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act 2019). Reason: Indian Sub-continent was split into three pieces Pakisthan, East Pakisthan, and India. As Mohd. Ali Jinna and his Mohammedan supporters resorted to extensive and intensive violence between 1940 and 1948 demanding a separate country for people practising Islam. British Rulers encouraged them, because it suited the European Colonial Rulers to "Divide and Rule".
- Forming countries on the basis of particular Religion, whether it is Islam or Christianity or Hinduism or some other religion, the very idea goes against Human Rights. What will happen for the People practising other Religions? Should they commit suicide? If they do not commit suicide, the Rulers would kill them, by their oppressive Policies. Besides, because British Rulers conceded a request for Islamic-Indians because they were afraid of being persecuted by Hindu Majority, it does not mean that Pakisthan is intended exclusively for Muslims. Just as Hindu Majority in India cannot persecute Indian Muslims in India, Pakisthan cannot persecute Pakistani non-Muslims.
- But, unfortunately, the Islamic Fanatics and Bigots in Pakisthan, and their Military Generals did not have this Wisdom. The History has proved that Pakisthan went into Army Rule / Army Controlled Democratic Rule several times, and declared itself as an Islamic country, and persecuted the minorities in such a way that either they convert or they flee Pakisthan. This persecution in Afghanisthan, Pakisthan, East Pakisthan (Persecution in Bangla Desh is somewhat less, though it still continues) has compelled the Non-Muslims in those countries to India.
- The dominating persecution by West Punjab Islamic Rulers, of Islamic peoples in other provinces such as Baluchisthan, Sindh, and East Pakisthan has also resulted in flight of some Muslims from those Provinces of Pakisthan to India. While in the past Decades, India preferred Industrial Development, Education, modern medical facilities, when compared to Religious bigotry and fanatism, India became a favored destination not only for Hindu-Buddhist-Jain-Sikh Refugees, but also for Islamic Migrants.
- Before we proceed further, we have to look into History of Partition of Indian Sub-Continent. During the freedom struggle, there is not adequate evidence to believe that Hindu Militant Organisations, by whatever name they are called, have actively participated in the Freedom Movement. Instead, they seemed to have preferred to co-operate with the British Rulers. Had the Hindu Militant Organisations of 1940s participated in the Freedom Movement actively, they would have definitely either opposed the Partition of India on RELIGION BASIS for a particular Religion, or led a Movement for a separate India exclusively for Hindus-Buddhists-Jains-Sikhs-and-other-Hindu-shades. That they have not done probably because, they did not want to oppose British Rulers and face lathis and jails.
- Some Hindu leaders in Pre-Freedom Congress Party might have wanted a separate country for People of Hindu-Cultural-shades also. But, the top Leaders of the Pre-Freedom Congress Party and other Freedom Fighting Groups seemed to have been thoroughly tired of indefinitely and continuously participating in Movements, because already 90 years (from 1857 First Freedom Battle- to 1947) have already elapsed. People, freedom fighters, volunteers might have become RESTIVE for Freedom. Besides, if freedom is not taken by Indians in 1946-47, when British might have found that Ruling Agitating India was unprofitable and monetarily unviable (We should not forget, the Britishers have a sobriquet "A country of Traders") and the Income from India was not commensurate with the Expenses and Efforts involved in ruling the vast swaths of difficult terrains, there was an apprehension that the British Rulers might change their minds and refuse it later. Naturally, the adage "to strike while the iron is hot" might have worked as a Piece of Wisdom. Another proverb "A bird in hand, is worth two in Bush", might have influenced their thinking. Besides, Sardar Patel, Rajendra Prasad, etc. though they were sincere practitioners of Hinduist Culture, they were not Hindu fanatics; they were not bigots. Consequently, they could work in Consensus with other Leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Maulana Kalam Azad, B.R. Ambedkar, for a Multi-Religious India, where people practising different religions could live in harmony.
- But, Indian Constitution ought to have included some daring and Progressive Provisions to prevent Interference of Religious Preachers of all Religions into the Personal and Social Lives of Indians. A common Civil Code for all the Citizens irrespective of their Religions, Law against Religious Conversions, Compulsory Family Planning for Citizens of all Religions, Ban on practice of Excessive-Religious-Rituals in Public Places etc., forming Casteist, Communal and Religious Socieites, Organisations, Political Parties etc. would have gone a long way in making MultiReligious India a Livable and Tolerant Place.
- Failure of Constitution makers in these areas has led to the dislocation of the Demographic-Religious-Balance i.e. Mix of share of different Religions in the Population of India, owing to indiscriminate conversions through monetary inducements, false promises of miraculous cure for fatal and chronic diseases. Boundless floods of Foreign Contributions and Inward Remittances to Religious Preachers in the name of running Schools and Hospitals linking the size of the amounts of Donations and Gifts to No. of people converted have played havoc with Indian Society. Innocent People fell prey to the Propaganda of the Unscrupulous Preachers.
- Though India has been formed as a Multi Religious Country, and not as an exclusively Hindu country, definitely it is not intended to be an Asylum and Shelter for Islamic Refugees. Reason: The Practitioners of Islam wanted a separate country for themselves, and they had it in the name of Pakisthan, conceded by the British Rulers. By opting for a separate country, they have forfeited their right to request for a shelter in India. Besides, there are also other Islamic countries which love Islam. Then those Fraternal Islamic countries should invite Migrants from Pakisthan. Those Oil-Rich Islamic countries, instead of encouraging Islamic Terrorism, by providing secret funds to cross-border-terrorists, and exacerbating Global Terrorism scenario, should shelter unemployed Laborers from their Fraternal Islamic Countries.
- This right of seeking Shelter and Citizenship can only be claimed by Hindu-Buddhist-Jain-Sikh-other-Hindu-shade sufferers, because they have no country to go to. EURAANZCA (Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc.) have their own Anti-Migrationist policies. In an Ideal World, the principle of "Workers of All Countries Unite" and there should be no barriers on the movement of Laborers across the World. And this Freedom should be available irrespective of body color, race, Religion, Language, etc. of the Laborers. But, it is not happening. When Global Marxism, when and if at all it materialise, can probably work on this ideal. Right now, it is only a Dream, like Atheism and Marxism.
- The problem of India-today is it is already Over-populated, in relation to its Natural Resources. Shortly, it is going to become the World's Highest Populated Nation, overtaking China. Therefore, India cannot accommodate Islamic Migrants from Afghanisthan, Pakisthan, and Bangla Desh.
- In the light of the above backdrop, the Enactment of Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 (CAA) by the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA , providing for Citizenship only to Hindu-Buddhist-Jain-Sikh-other-similar-shade Refugees , becomes justifiable.
- Theoretically, they have to be traced, and repatriated back to their MotherLand countries, with the consent of their countries. But, viewed from a practical point, proving their Nationality as that of Aghanistan/Pakisthan/Bangla-Desh and their Religion as Non-Hindu-Shade is not going to be easy. Though Bangla Desh seems to be offering some co-operation in this regard, of taking back its Bangla Desh Nationals illegally living in India, how far will that promise materialise into a Large Scale Reality is to be waited and seen. Government of India has to do substantial diplomatic exercise. Afghanistan may also co-operate to some extent. But, definitely Pakistan will not co-operate. In fact, as Pakisthan is formed on "Religious Basis" , albeit an unwise decision by British Rulers, Pakistan must love its Islamic Citizens who fled into India from Pakistan, for whatever be the reason. If Pakistan does not invite them back, India will be free to take any Action against Illegal Immigrants from Pakisthan, as per International Laws. Therefore, in its own interest, Pakistan should invite back its its Illegal Emigrants and Infiltrators into India, by offering them some incentives. After all, they are their own brethren.
- Tracing out Illegal Emigrants, Overstayers and Infiltrators from Pakisthan from a haystak of 1.30 billions of Indians need a Herculian Effort. And that effort and expense may divert the attention of our present Rulers from our priorities. 1. Poverty and Hunger. 2. Inequalities of income and Wealth. 3. Illiteracy. 4. Unemployment. 5. Stagnating Exports, BOT and BOP. 6. Population Control. 7. Raise in Crimes against Children and Women. 8. Existence of Virtual Slavery in Private Sector in the absence of Enforcement of Labor Laws. 9. Stagnation of Tiny and Small Scale Industries and Small Businesses. 10. Unrest among Indian Youth and Middle Aged as they do not have ideas/skills/resources/favorable-environment to produce and market goods and services required by Domestic India and the World Markets.
- Existing Islamic Infiltrators in India, with the exception of some, may be working as laborers and producing goods and services, along with other Indian Citizens/Workers. This will be more productive contribution from the Infiltrators, when compared to keeping them in Detention Camps/Jails, because feeding them will require Outlays from Union Budget.
- This does not mean, that we should totally abandon the task of Preventing Infiltrations and Tracing out Infiltrators. Continuous conscious efforts/campaigns to to trace out Infiltrators will discourage new Infiltrators from endeavoring tresspassing into India, or overstaying in India beyond their Visa periods. But these campaigns should not cause massive hardships to the remaining 1.30 billion Indian Citizens partiularly children, women and aged persons. Unilateral Improperly planned implementation of NRC and NPR can cause hardships to the 1.30 billion Indian Citizens, when they are asked to show documents to prove their ancestry. Millions of Farmers and Laborers etc. being illiterate and semi-literate might not have preserved their certificates, documents, pay slips, voter cards, ration cards, electricity bills, tax receipts, school identity cards, TCs, Marks Lists, etc. as they might not have foreseen that their Rulers were going to ask them to produce such papers in future. This lack of documents will cause great mental agony to Millions of genuine Indian Citizens who are not in any way connected with the Infiltrators.
- Continuous unrest in the country can hamper development. This retardation, we can already see in the retardation of the GDP growth, which we are witnessing in this country.
- Where changes cannot be brought and corrections cannot be made without extreme unrest, we cannot avoid status-quo-ante . Assuming that the existing non-militant-non-terrorist migrant infiltrators into the country who are nothing but laborers, it may be better to continue them without any citizenship benefits to them and without arresting them for keeping in Detention Houses. If they breed any children, probably such children may assimilate into Indian Culture, and become Indian Citizens, while the Infiltrators can die as aliens. Then, stress should be more on correcting the pores of the Indian Borders, and on raising the Surveillance by Police Stations in every Indian village, town and City.
- Instead, the Government can try some Focused Solutions, some of which I list below, as they occur to my mind:
- Establishment of Central Police Stations at every place where there is a State Government Police Station.
- Both the State Government and Central Police Stations are to be advised to maintain INDEPENDENTLY OF ONE ANOTHER, Population Registers/NRCs in their Areas. Whenever New persons enter their Area of Operations, and there are reasons to believe that they are staying for more than six months, the Central and State Police Stations should inquire secretly and openly at their discretion, and make sure that their settlement in their Police Station Area is legitimate. Then, the Police Stations should make an intimation to the Police Station in which those Settlers were residing earlier, so that the Population Registers/NRCs in those previous-residence Police Stations are marked/amended suitably.
- On an experimental basis, in one or two States, Present Aadhar Cards can be converted into Domestic Passport Smart Cards with Pin. Whenever people move from one State to another State, they can be asked to insert their Smart Cards into Special Machines similar to ATMs, at State Boundary Check-posts. If this method of monitoring InterState Movements succeeds, it can be extended to other States.
- State Govt. and Central Police Stations can be asked to record their Entries and Exits of Citizens staying for more than six months in their Area, in a National Website, which can be perused by Govt. Departments which monitor Crimes and Infiltrations.
- Employers of New Recruits, and New Recruits themselves can be asked to report the details of New Entrants, to the State Government and Central Police Stations in their Area, for entering into the Police Station Records.
- There are news reports which indicate that Central Government wants to accord Citizenships under CAA, through an Online Website, as some State Governments are not likely to co-operate. But this seems to be a risky idea. Reason: Police Station Records of respective State Governments are to be searched, if the applicants have any Criminal / terrorist background or they have any other defects which make them unfit for Indian Citizenship. In fact, there is a need to have an All INDIA Criminal Record Register for every person in India, whether he is an alien or an Indian Citizen. The Central Government should first try to build that exhaustive All-India Database, before bypassing State Government Police Stations. Establishing Central Government Police Stations at all Semi Urban Towns will help the Central Government not only to conduct investigations into violations of Central Laws, but also to initiate independent investigations/Data building wherever and whenever State Governments take non-co-operative stances for political reasons.
- SOME OVER-ZEALOUS PSEUDO-HINDUTVA LEADERS SEEM TO BE TELLING PEOPLE THAT ALL INFILTRATORS WILL BE DRIVEN OUT FROM INDIA. This seems to be practically impossible, while corrective measures need continuous planning and execution. This cannot be done with threats.
- Hence, it may be necessary for top Pseudo-Hindutva Leaders and Government Rulers to counsel their bureaucrats and Ruling Party Leaders to be discreet in their Comments and Speeches. After all, barking dogs do not bite. Biting dogs do not bark.
TODAY'S untrivia:

- Basically, there is not much difference among the lifestyles of Monks , by whatever name we may call sAdhu, sanyAsi, fakir. And this is independent of the countries and regions/prefectures they operate in.
- Essentially, there are only two types of monks. 1. Gharana monks (Ostentatious Monks). 2. Unsung monks (Mendicant monks or real bhikkus ie. beggar monks).
- Irrespective of the country they operate, the monks have a sort of Uniform, often either in white color or ochre color.
- Ostentatious monks own / live in Monasteries with their appurtenances, accoutrements and paraphernalia such as single sticks, bundle of multiple sticks (tridanDi), ewer-cum-pitcher (kamanDal), tiger/deer-skin (बाघ की खाल పులి చర్మం, bAgh ki khAl), etc.
- Prima facie, it appears that Aryan Civilisation/Religion which migrated from Latvia/Lithuania/Estonia/Old Prussia is not Monk-cultured. There were Ascetics even in Aryanism, called Sages (Rishis), but they were mostly married. Though many self-perceived Aryans seem to believe that their ancestors were great ascetics, there is not enough evidence such as a particular Sage performed penance for long periods. The concerns and priorities of Aryan Sages and the Kings used to apparently mainly hover around performance of Ritualistic Sacrifices called Sacrifices , such as AsvamEtha (Horse Sacrifice), vAjapaeya etc., where animals and birds used to be sacrificed in large magnitude to propitiate Gods, and gold was gifted to Priests abundantly.
- In case of Buddhist and Jain Cultures , Ascetism and Penance get top priorities. Conquering one's own desires and senses, overcoming provocations and tests were their main concerns. There were limits on number of garments they can wear (these were called chIvarams). There were limits on the number of boluses/cuds (a fistful of food) they could eat. As properties were not expected to be owned by monks (true monks), they were expected to live on alms, collecting them by moving from house to house. There was also a limit on the "time" they can wait before a house, on the quantum of food they can collect from any single household.
- In INdia, Monastic-Monks do not hesitate to collect donations from Tax Evaders, Smugglers, Bootleggers, Blackmarketers, and who else not? Many Monastic Monks also seem to believe that they can make and UNMAKE Governments.
Here is a 10 Multiple Choice Question Test on your favorite subject. Some Qs are actual Examination Questions, ABRIDGED & EDITED for brevity, and to facilitate easier comprehension. Actual Exam. Qs were lengthy and circumlocutive. Qs can be answered online, and score can be checked by clicking ~showprogress~ box at the end of any Q. There are minus marks of 0.25 (quarter mark) for each wrong answer. If any Qs are left out, there will be no change in score. ==Answers and explanations== for each Q can also be checked by moving your mouse on the word `mouse` at the end of each Q. You can try and retry any number of times.
TODAY'S BHARTRUHARI--Sringara Satakam (100 verses of Love & Lust):
anavaratam indIvara daLa
PrabhA cOraha cakshuhu kshipati;
kim abhi prEtam anayA?
GatO mOham asmAkam,
Smara kusuma bANa vyatikara**
Jvara jvAlA SAntA
tad api na varA kI viramati.
** another version: smara Sabara bANa vyatikara.♝
♛The poet is describing the vain efforts of a girl to tempt him. He is addressing his friend: ‘Every minute, this girl is throwing her lotus-eyed looks on me. In doing so, her intent is not known. Our temptation is all a thing of the past. The fire ignited by the arrows of the Cupid has retreated. Still, why this innocent girl is not withdrawing from her efforts?♝
■ENGLISH grammar: PREPOSITIONS: ~BUT, as PREPOSITION ♞:♛~But as preposition, comes before ACCUSATIVE NOUNS.♝
♛Nobody will help you but me. not I. ♝
■VYASA MAHABHARATA TRANSLATED BY Ganguli, BOOK3, BOOK OF FOREST/m03191.♞:♛The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva: Markandeya-Samasya Parva♝
♛Vaisampayana said, "The Rishis, the Brahmanas, and Yudhishthira then asked Markandeya, saying, 'How did the Rishi Vaka become so long lived?' ♝
♛"Thus asked by them, Markandeya answered, 'The royal sage Vaka is a great ascetic and endowed with long life.♝
♛ Ye need not enquire into the reason of this.♝
♛"Hearing this, O Bharata, the son of Kunti, king Yudhishthira the just, along with his brothers, then asked Markandeya saying, 'It hath been heard by us that both Vaka and Dalvya are of great souls and endowed with immortality and that those Rishis, held in universal reverence, are the friends of the chief of the gods.♝
♛ O Holy One, I desire to listen lo the (history of the) meeting of Vaka and Indra that is full of both joy and woe.♝
♛ Narrate you that history unto us succinctly.♝
♛"Markandeya said, 'When that horrible conflict between the gods and the Asuras was over, Indra became the ruler of the three worlds.♝
♛ The clouds showered rain copiously.♝
♛ And the dwellers of the world had abundance of harvests, and were excellent in disposition. And devoted to virtue, they always practised morality and enjoyed peace.♝
♛ And all persons, devoted to the duties of their respective orders, were perfectly happy and cheerful, and the slayer of Vala, beholding all the creatures of the world happy and cheerful, became himself filled with joy.♝
♛ And he of a hundred sacrifices, the chief of the gods seated on the back of his elephant Airavata, surveyed his happy subjects, and he cast his eyes on delightful asylums of Rishis, on various auspicious rivers, towns full of prosperity, and villages and rural regions in the enjoyment of plenty.♝
♛ And he also cast his eyes upon kings devoted to the practice of virtue and well-skilled in ruling their subjects.♝
♛ And he also looked upon tanks and reservoirs and wells and lakes and smaller lakes all full of water and adored by best of Brahmanas in the observance, besides, of various excellent vows, and then descending on the delightful earth, O king, the god of a hundred sacrifices, proceeded towards a blessed asylum teeming with animals and birds, situated by the side of the sea, in the delightful and auspicious regions of the East on a spot overgrown with abundance of vegetation.♝
♛ And the chief of the gods beheld Vaka in that asylum, and Vaka also, beholding the ruler of the Immortals, became highly glad, and he worshipped Indra by presenting him with water to wash his feet, a carpet to sit upon, the usual offering of the Arghya, and fruit and roots.♝
♛ And the boon-giving slayer of Vala, the divine ruler of those that know not old age, being seated at his ease, asked Vaka the following question, 'O sinless Muni, you have lived for a hundred years! Tell me, O Brahmana, what the sorrows are of those that are immortal!' ♝
I undertake English, Hindi, Telugu language Translations. My labor charges: Ind. Rs. 110 per input page. E-mail input files to y b h a s k at g m a i l .com. No need to phone. Some of the documents which I have translated earlier: Sale Deeds, Public Copies of Sale Deeds, Sale Agreements, Lease Agreements, Mortgage Deeds, Land Records such as pahani-chowfasla, 10-1Adangal, Legal Notices, Replies to Legal Notices, Court Decrees, Police FIRs, Inquest Reports, Market Brochures, Employee Standing Orders, Letters to Govt. Departments, Letters received from Govt. Departments, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marks Lists, Ration Cards, Ration Card Name deletion Certificates, Adoption Agreements, Divorce Agreements etc. etc.
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