It is mind boggling to think, why Mr. Praveen Togadia, the Working President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad is so much an extremely worried person today. He and our Hon. Prime Minister are contemporaries both having started with RSS, while Hon. Narendra Modi joined BJP, Shri Praveen Togadia joined Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Both seems to have shared a common objective of promoting a Hindu Nation (Hindu rAshTra), and their previous bon homie, friendliness, geniality and warmth was understandable. Here is a link to an IndianExpress.com report dated 18th Jan. 2018 in which Mr. Praveen Togadia claimed that his life is at risk. Click here to go to http://indianexpress.com/article/india/pravin-togadia-sees-plot-against-him-mentions-senior-gujarat-cop-pm-5029390/.
What Mr. Togadia is reported to have said is worth thoroughly analysing
"...an informant had told me that I would be killed in a police encounter. So I had left the VHP office and reached my close aide Ghanshyam Charandas’s home. At 3 pm, I left for Ahmedabad airport to catch a flight to Jaipur, thinking I would surrender in court, but on the way I fainted and then found myself in the hospital.
"...Main joint commissioner of police, crime branch, par aarop laga raha hoon. Unke phone ke 15 dino ke incoming aur outgoing call ko sarvjanik kiya jaye, ki kitni baar inhoney Pradhan Mantri se baat ki hai. ... " . Approx. English: I am accusing (on) the Joint Commissioner of Police, Crime Branch. Let his incoming and outgoing phone calls during the last 15 days be made Public, to know how many times these people spoke to the Prime Minister.
"...When Modiji was CM I have never talked to him on the phone. Do you think he will speak to me when he is the PM. I have never talked to him… as it is being stated. ..."
From the side of the Police Officer: "... We presented what we got based on our investigations. In the press conference which Pravinbhai had addressed on Tuesday he said that it was an attempted encounter, a politically motivated plan and a conspiracy against it. He had Z-plus security and he should not have jumped into an auto if he thought he was under threat. He could have called the security. ..."
(From Mr. Togadia's side): "...Those who are connecting me with the Congress after its leader came to check my health should ask such questions to the BJP leaders who have Congress-ised the party. ..."
ybrao-a-donkey's personal views not intended to be imposed on others
Mr. Praveen Togadia's reluctance to take along with him, the Z-Category Security Staff, appears to me somewhat quirky, because dozens of people both politicians and business tycoons crave to be protected by Z-Category Security.
For example, Readers may see this news item titled: "Mukesh Ambani's 24x7 Z-security cover to cost him Rs 15 lakh a month " at Click here to go to http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/mukesh-ambani-s-24x7-z-security-cover-to-cost-him-rs-15-lakh-a-month-113042200692_1.html. This news item says:
"...Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani is the latest among 200-odd people in Mumbai who are provided heightened security by the central government. The categories are termed Z-plus, Z, Y and X. The Z-category for Ambani means an armed commando squad will guard him all 24 hours in a day. It is given to only those with a very high security threat perception. ..."

A beautiful contextual Telugu Language verse, which depicts the situation well
In Roman Script: kUrimi gala dinamulalO
nEramu lennaDu kaluga nEravu mari yA
kUrimi virasambai napuDu
nEramulE tOcu cunDu nikkam sumatI !
English Gist: During the days of friendship, omissions and commissions of friends are ignored among themselves. When that friendship breaks into shambles, everywhere, the broken friends find omissions and commissions.
Now, here, Mr. Pravin togAdia is lamenting "...When Modiji was CM I have never talked to him on the phone. Do you think he will speak to me when he is the PM. I have never talked to him… as it is being stated. ...".
Why didn't Hon. Narendra Modi, after becoming Chief Minister of Gujarat, did not speak to his pal Mr. Praveen Togadia? It is understandable that Mr. Modi may not be able to contact Mr. Togadia, after becoming Prime Minister, because Mr. Modi is very busy with Great Persons like Trump, Puti, Netanyahu, Xi, Shinzo Abe, Angela Merkel etc. As he is busy hugging World Leaders, he may not have time to hug his youth-time friend Mr. Togadia.
Two more Sanskrit Verses about friendship are worth quoting
(From Bhartrihari's Niti Satakam)Friendship between Milk and water
kshiireshaatmagatodakaaya hi
gushaa dattam purA te'khilA
kshIrottApam avekshya tena payasam
svaatmam krus`Anau hutah
gantuh pAvakam unmanas
tad abhavad drusht`vA tu mitrApad
yukt tEna jalEna Samyati
sataha maitrI punastvIdruSI.
English Gist: 1. Milk lends its good qualities to water, when water is added to it.
2. Water jumps into fire, when it finds the milk boiling and in danger.
3. Milk also jumps into fire, unable to bear the danger to its friend (water).
4. Both enjoy peace, when milk and water live together.
Arambha gurvI, kshayiEI kramesha
laghvI puraa vruddhimatii ca pas`cAt
dinasya pUrvArdha parArdha bhinnA
chAyEva maitrI, khala sajjanAnAm .
English Gist: The poet discusses two types of friendship. 1. Friendship between two good persons.
2. Friendship between two rascals.
Friendship between two good persons starts on a small scale like a shadow in the midday which is very short and stretches to full length by dusk.
Friendship between two bad persons (or one good person and another bad person) starts ostentatiously and fails at the end, like a shadow in the morning which is very long and becomes negligible by midday.
There is also a need to make clear distinctions between different types of Associations. For example, an Association of an 'acquaintance' may be mistaken as friendship. The true nature of acquaintance is like the Association between two Railway Passengers travelling in Opposite seats in a Compartment. As long as they are in the train, they may give an appearance of being friends. But once their Stations come, they part their ways. Later, they may meet, or they may not meet again. Even if they meet, they may 1) recall their friendships and hug one another 2) they may not be able to recognise one another depending upon the time gap 3) one of them in a higher level in Society may not recognise the other 4) one of them in a higher level may recognise the other, but may pretend not to recognise 5) the one at higher level may avoid the other altogether. Any permutation and combination is possible.
To come back, continue adding, deleting and modifying.
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