All the four Senior Justices of Supreme Court, unhappy with the CJI Dipak Mishra, who have run to Media to express their Anguish, had they resigned, might have set a Great Precedent, and done a yeoman Service to the Cause of Justice. What has come out is only a Tip of the Ice-berg. Should we be happy that something has come out?
Justice Chelameshwar, one of the Seniormost Judges, is reported to have said, in the News Conference addressed by the four Collegium Judges:
"...This is an extraordinary event in the history of the nation, more particularly this Nation... The administration of the Supreme Court is not in order and many things which are less than desirable have happened in the last few months. ..."
(Attributed to all the Judges): "...We wrote a letter to him and tried to persuade the CJI to take steps but failed. A request was made to do a particular thing in a particular manner but it was done in such a way that it left further doubt on the integrity of the institution. Unless the institution of Supreme Court is preserved, democracy won’t survive in this country. ..."
"...Four of us went to the CJI today with a request that a particular thing is not in order and it should be rectified. Despite our request, he did not do anything. ..."
This quote, and the full News here is the link: Click here to go to the HindusthanTimes.com to study the News.
ybrao-a-donkey's personal views not intended to be imposed on others. Harsh criticism is also welcome.
Question: Why do you insist on the resignation of all the four Unhappy Judges?
Ans: 1. Resignations will highlight the seriousness of the problem.
2. Resignations indicate that the Judges are truly serious.
3. Senior Judges any way are in the verge of retirement, with one or two years of service left. Instead of spending the remaining time, gyrating within oneself about the unresponsiveness of the "First Among Equal", it will always be better to step down and enjoy peace of mind.
4. Besides, each of the remaining Judges would have had the satisfaction of "I have done my duty of bringing out the 'lack of Order' in the apex Court, instead of sweeping the dissatisfaction to-underneath the Carpet.
5. Nobody can attribute selfish-ulterior motives to Judges who step down (unless they withdraw their resignations quoting flimsy grounds).
6. Resigning Senior Judges may not lose much, by leaving early, 'pecuniarily' (in terms of money and perks).
7. Solving the problem of Conflicts among judges, as per Current Indian Laws, is not in the hands of the Parliament, President of India, Central Council of Ministers. Reason: None of them are Superior to Supreme Court Judges. Though President of India appoints CJI, and the Supreme Court Judges, the President cannot remove them, because the President represents "Executive". The President is also a Part of the Parliament, along with the Lok Sabha (Lower House), and Rajya Sabha (Upper House). Our Constitution-makers envisaged an Independent Judiciary, and a delicate balance among the three Organs, Legislature, Executive, and the Judiciary. Hence, the President is outside the Judiciary.
8. Though, theoretically the Parliament can impeach High Court and Supreme Court Judges, by passing Resolutions, that can be taken up in extremely exceptional cases, just as Capital Punishment is awarded in the "Rarest of the Rarest" cases. Anyway, right now, there is not enough evidence to impeach either the Chief Justice or the other Supreme Court Judges who have run to the Media and the People of India. The Unhappy Judges have not run to the Central Cabinet, or the Parliament or the President, because the Judges too (apparently) were conscious of the Need for Freedom of Judiciary, and the Need to prevent Interference of Executive and Parliament into the contours of the Judiciary. If they did not want interference from Parliament, Cabinet, President, then, what is that the Judges wanted?
Role of Political Parties
All the Political Parties are too eager to control Judiciary, by hook or crook. For that reason only, they could come together and easily pass the National Judicial Commission Bill, in both the Houses of Parliament. Whichever Party is-was in Power, the PM and the Cabinet Ministers wished to harangue, instruct and pontiificate to the Judiciary. They wanted to insert into the Judiciary as Supreme Court and High Court Judges, their own Party Members, so that they will be ductile, malleable, and pliable.
Media cannot be of Real Help
Media in India, both print and electronic, are mouthpieces of Business Houses which own them, and are dependent on Government Ministries and Departments for Advertisements. Some of the Media Houses are controlled by Political Parties. Though the Media Houses may broadcast heated live discussions, at the end of all such discussions, the outcome will be gaseous. Hence, Media cannot really be of any tangible help to our Unhappy Judges, except giving them some free Publicity.
Question: If the four Judges resign, will the CJI resign?
Upto a few days back, till the four judges tried to bell the cat in open, nobody would have thought of criticizing CJI or Supreme Court, because that will be sacrilegious to warrant Contempt of Court Proceedings. By voicing out in Public, they have performed a Courageous Act, though it will be difficult to say whether they have done a very wise thing, because they have set a precedent of criticizing the Court, and its Pope the CJI. Now, every TDH (Tom, Dick and Harry) and Hoi Polloi like me, may take freedom to criticize Supreme Court. The Supreme Court does not seem to relish criticism against it. Now, coming to the, probably a hypothetical question at this juncture, of 'had the four unhappy judges resigned', would the CJI too have resigned, so that the Supreme Court can start on a Clean Slate in 2018?' - it is difficult to answer this question. There might have been some Public Pressure on him to resign. Then, CJI's response might have depended on his Conscience. Anyway, now, everybody seems to be a path of compromise or burying the hatchet. Time may not be the best healer, but then there is also no use of brooding over problems endlessly.
Question: If you were in the position of the Dissatisfied Judges, would you have resigned? You would not have resigned.
Ans: In my last incarnation as a Public Sector Bank Officer, I have retired 8 years ahead of normal retirement, without receiving any compensation, in circumstances under which I felt I was being constrained to do things which a prudent conscientious Banker would not have done consciously. In such circumstances there were only alternatives:
a) Join the stream, and swim in the direction of the currents and flows, like all others who were in the queue. Enjoy. Claim and take the Shares in Spoils. This theory is called "Live and Let Live". Hindi: jiO aur jInE dO.
b) Join the stream, and swim in the direction of the currents and flows, like all others who were in the queue. Grumble everyday. Wait for Retirement, counting days.
c) Leave the Unhealthy Environment, and live happily, doing something else, which we can do more honestly and conscientiously, even if it may mean loss of a few million bucks.
I had chosen the last alternative, because I am too small to fight or change the environment. I do not wish to say that everybody should do what I had done. Even if I advocate such unconventional ideas in this practical bourgeoisie world, everybody will treat it as foolish.
Question: Your ideas and acts seem to be not only unconventional, but also Escapist!
Ans: In a way, they may appear to be Escapist. What Action to take may depend on circumstances, and vary from situation to situation. There can't be one balm for all the ailments on this Earth. A person who leaves his job on some ideological ground, cannot survive in this World, particularly when there are not properties behind by fathers, inlaws, and God-fathers , which yield regular income at monthly intervals to pay bills. Expectations of Spouses, inlaws, parents, educational needs of off-springs are to be taken care of. Margins of Safety will have to be calculated, and adhered to.
Situations may arise, when individuals can become square pegs in round holes, in Environments where Organisations become Monstracities of Irreparable and Irretrievable Wilderness? Then it may appear, that it will be better to live in one's own jhompdi (hut), eat some aTukulu (rice flakes) and wear some shoddy stuff instead of 'dukUlams (silk clothes or in modern language- designer kurtAs and suits' gifted by business barons. Then one can think of the miseries of parrots in golden cages, or pet dogs in belts and chains, and derive some relative happiness.
Question: Now everything seems to have been settled. The Courts are functioning. It was a storm in a tea cup.
Attorney General Shri K.K. Venugopal is reported to have observed:-
Link to read this news report: Click here to go to http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/it-was-a-storm-in-a-tea-cup-ag-venugopal-says-sc-judges-cji-rift-settled-118011500334_1.html.
"... Now everything has been settled. ... The courts are functioning. It was a storm in a tea cup."
ybrao-a-donkey's answer: What has been solved? Nothing has been solved. Has any "Memorandum of Understanding" been signed between-among the CJI and the Collegium Judges? Apparently not, unless it is a secret Memorandum. Has the problem been swept to-underneath the carpet and hush-hushed? Has Hon. CJI given any oral or written assurance to the Unhappy Judges? Has any 'audi alterim parten' been conducted to listen to what the remaining 20 Judges have to say? Or they need not be consulted? What conciliatory mutually acceptable arrangement, did the Bar Council of India work out, to facilitate swift and uninhibited working of the Rule of Law in the country?
Right now, what do the 700 million adults of India (leaving aside children) know about the whole 'Storm in the Tea Cup Episode"? Is it really as simple as a Storm in a Tea Cup? Or more?
Only 10% complete. To come back and continue adding / deleting / modifying.
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