Government of India has totally let down the people of sImAndhra (13 districts of Andhra Pradesh).
Question: Prove how the Government of India has let down the 50 million people of sImAndhra.
Answer: Government of India and the Government of Andhra Pradesh, in their craze for "cities" went on investing funds belonging to 700 districts of "All India" and 23 districts of "All Andhra Pradesh", in Hyderabad City from 1957 to 2013. Consequently, Hyderabad City has:
Hyderabad Central University
Hindusthan Aeronautics Ltd. HAL
Hindusthan Machine Tools Ltd. HMT
Bharat Dynamics Ltd. BDL
Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. ECIL
Hindusthan Cables Ltd. HCL
National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. NMDC
Defenece Electrnics Research Laboratory DLRL
Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory DMRL
Defence Research and Development Laboratory DRDL
Nuclear Fuel Complex NFC
South Central Railway, Zonal Head Quarters, Secunderabad, SCR.
Indian Institute of Technology, IIT.
Consulate of USA.
International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics ICRISAT.
Hytec City (Govt. allotted lands at throwaway prices)
Cinema Industry (Govt. allotted lands at throwaway prices)
Numerous Super Speciality Hospitals (Govt. allotted lands at thow away prices and permitted import of equipment without customs duty).
In 2006 Centre wanted Govt. of India asked Govt. of AP to send proposals for ITIRs. AP Government sent four proposals for Hyderabad City. Govt. of India cleared a proposal to invest Rs. 2.49 lac crore in Hyderabad, in spite of knowing that there is a serious turmoil about Hyderabad. Mr. Ponnala Lakshmaiah, Minister said that they were preparing a proposal for Visakhapatnam. He could not explain why they could not do it in seven years!
The above list is not exhaustive.
Neither the Government of India, nor the Government of A.P. foolishly ever thought of decentralising and spreading Central Projects or State Projects all over India or all over A.P. as the case may be.
As people of 23 Districts of Andhra Pradesh started visiting Hyderabad both for purchases and for migration, Hyderabad has become a very large distribution center for marketing a variety of goods and services ranging from computers to cars. This led to 52% of tax income for the state of Andhra Pradesh, started generation from Hyderabad City.
Question: Didn't the SImandhra landlords and industrialists capture all the lands of Hyderabad?
Ans: Landlords and rich persons of not only telangANA, sImAndhra, but also the landlords and rich persons of All-India, NRIs, Persons of Indian origin, Foreign Companies, everybody under the sky started purchasing and cornering land in Hyderabad. Consequently poor persons living in Hyderabad are unable get a 100 yards of land or a small apartment within their financial means. The Government of India and Government of Andhra Pradesh should accept responsibility for this because, they FAILED TO PREVENT landlords, business houses, industrialists, film stars, cricketers, NRIs, PIOs, foreign companies, from buying THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF LAND by cheating innocent villagers owning lands in the outskirts of Hyderabad. Poor of telangANa, poor of sImAndhra, poor of other States in India, have not participated in this looting.
Land mafias have started controlling Hyderabad. This led to conflicts among telangANA land mafias, rAyala sIma land mafias, Coastal Andhra land mafias. Politicians of all parties are also participants in these mafias.
Question: Why there is silence about corruption?
Ans: Examples:
Andhra Jyothi telugu daily, published details of land settlement attempted to be made by KTR of T.R.S. (son of KCR, leader of telangANa movement), which led to the kidnap of a businessman in bhuvanEswar and attempted transport of him to Hyderabad via Visakhapatnam. As the Orissa Businessman was also a powerful person, he could get Orissa Police and A.P. police to his aid. But the A.P. Government seems to have abandoned the matter there.
Few days back (Oct. 2013) the DGP of AP Mr. Dinesh Reddy retired from service. He sought extension of service, but the Govt. of A.P. refused to concede. Reason attributed was that a CBI enquiry was pending against him for buying lands in benami names. Mr. Dinesh Reddy alleged that Chief Minister of A.P. Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy turned against him only because he did not accede to CM's demand for ignoring the land encroachment activities of Mr. Santosh Reddy, brother of CM. Followers of CM challenged the retired DGP to prove his allegations. AICC observer for A.P., Mr. Digvijay Singh also challenged the retired DGP to prove his allegations. Mr. Digvijay Singh could have taken up the matter with the AICC President Ms. Sonia Gandhi, or PM Mr. Manmohan Singh, or Central Home Ministry, or CBI itself, with a request to arrange a preliminary enquiry. What is the use of challenging a retired DGP, though he may be acting with a grouse? The DGP might have chosen to reveal the truth because his service was not extended. He could have concealed the truth, had his service been extended.
It is the duty of Central Government to dig out what really happened in case of benami land deals of Mr. Dinesh Reddy, land settlements of Mr. Santosh Reddy, and Mr. KTR.
Late Mr. Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, deceased CM of A.P., and Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu made wild allegations against one another. But, Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, though he was a CM, did not pursue his allegations further with judicial enquiries against Mr. Naidu because, Mr. Rajasekhar Reddy himself was amassing wealth for his son Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy. Thus, Mr. Chandrababu, now gives a clean posture, while the disproportionate size of assets raise suspicions about the mode of his acquisitions. Nobody knows the clear reasons for the annoyance of AICC President Ms. Sonia Gandhi with Mr. Jagan. CBI was very active for sometime in pursuing the cases against Mr. Jagan. Now it has become dormant. Everybody is getting easy bails.
But, now, according to Mr. Veerappa Moily, Union Petroleum Minister, Congress has not started electoral alliance negotiations with Mr. Jagan, but it is not averse to it. Mr. Digvijay Singh also says that Jagan was like his son.
Question: What is the present pitiable State of Telugu people?
Ans: Thus, we can clearly see that A.P. is caught in the grip of land mafias and corrupt politicians belonging to all the four main parties Congress, telugu dESam, TRS, YSR Congress. We can use a simile here. In mahAbhAgavatam we have gajEndra mOksham story. A mighty elephant was caught in its leg, by an equally mighty crocodile in a pond. The gajEndra (king of elephants) prayed Lord VishNu so pathetically and pitiably that VishNu intervened by sending his divine discus (cakra) and slaying the allegator. Both the people of telangANA and the people of sImAndhra can be compared to this elephant's condition.
Question: Is there is no justification in demand for TelangANa demand?
Ans: People of telangANa had some legitimate regional grievances, which they thought erroneously, would be solved by separation. People of Telangana would actually lose their development after separation, as pointed out by Mr. KiranKumar Reddy. Reason: Hyderabad will be a City for 10 Districts, a small area. Distribution Business will go down. Tax collections will go down. Hyderabad may not become backrupt like Detroit. But slowing down will become inevitable. Some Telangana politicians can buy lands cheaply by threatening SImAndhra industrialists. But it will not help poor of Telangana.
Nevertheless, people of both regions, are in aggressive moods, today. Division is, probably, the only solution. Reason: Suppose future movements after 10/20/30 years again demand division, then separation will become more complicated. Example: Division in 1969 or 1972, would have been relatively easier when compared to 2013. Hence we cannot postpone. But, then Central Government cannot act like a dictator. Dividing a state is not like breaking a coconut into two, hitting it to a metal rod or stone. telugu script: కొబ్బరి కాయను బండకు కొట్టినంత తేలిక కాదు.
Question: Tleaders say that Nizam ruled like benevolent and loving father and that Hyderabad was a rich City before 1956?
Ans: Tleaders can always bring back the legal heirs of Nizam and coronate them on the throne of Hyderabad. If Nizam ruled TelangANa with so much great affection, why did TelangaNa lag behind in everything? Why the people of TelangANa were so poor? Why they were made to say "bAncanu dora kAl mokkuta" ?
telugu script: ఇప్పుడు కూడా నైజాం వారసులను తెచ్చుకొని పట్టాభిషేకం చేసుకోవచ్చు.
Question: If separate TelangaNa is given, they can control water from dams, and farmers of TelangANa can become prosperous.
Ans: If that is really possible, SimAndhra people should welcome it. KCR & Co., and Kodanda Ram & Co. do not like to give a single drop of water to SIMAndhra. They talk like duryOdhana who did not want to give even a small place as big as a pin-edge (sUdi mona anta), when pAnDavas requested for five villages. Actually, there is a dire need for Government of India to take over construction and management of all irrigation projects on rivers under dispute. There should be a Department which is similar to Railways Ministry, Postal Dept., Income Tax Department. States can be entrusted with management of canals. In other words, rivers should be under control of Central Government and canals should be under the control of State Governments.
After karnATaka and MaharAshTra, complete all their projects upstream, no water will enter Telangana from above. Only when there are some floods, rivers will be used as drainage canals. Central Govt. cannot control KarnATaka or Maharashtra for political reasons. Besides, the Govts. of KarnATaka and Maharashtra have to satisfy their own farmers. Even if Central Government says that they will address to grievances, nothing will really happen. Real solution for this problem: We have to purify sea water at KakinAda and Masulipatnam and pump them upstream Godavari and Krishna Rivers to irrigate TelangaNa. By 2050 we have to learn how to do it. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Station will teach it.
telugu script: కర్నాటక, మహారాష్ట్ర , తమ ప్రాజెక్టులను పూర్తి చేస్తే , కంట్రోల్ చేసేందుకు ఏమీ ఉండదు. వర్షా భా వ పరిస్థితులు వచ్చి నపుడు , సాగు నీటి కోసం పడే బాధలను చూస్తే ఎగువ రాష్ట్రాలనూ పెద్దగా తప్పు పట్టలేము. 2050 నాటికి మనం మచిలీపట్నం, కాకినాడల వద్ద సముద్రపు నీటిని శుధ్ధి చేసుకొని తెలంగాణాకు కూడా సాగునీటిని , త్రాగు నీటిని ఇవ్వవచ్చు.
Question: How about 60 years history of separate TelangaNa movement ?
Ans: 1969 Telangana agitation ended in a violent movement in 1969. Mrs. Indira Gandhi chose for her own political reasons, not to divide the State, and made Chenna Reddy, Governor of U.P. Had she divided A.P. in 1969, the states of telangaNa and sImAndhra would have developed independently and separately. People and leaders of TelangaNa erred by sleeping from 1969 to 2002.
People of sImAndhra did not like to live like second class citizens in Hyderabad, the State Capital, taunted by some fanatic telangANa activists. SimAdhra people, therefore, launched a jai Andhra movement in 1972. Indira Gandhi again chose the same technique of giving posts to disgruntled politicians. Had she divided the A.P. in 1972, telangANA and sImAndhra would have made some progress separately on their own.
Mr. K.C.R. was Deputy Speaker of A.P. when Mr. Naidu was CM. At that time, he kept mum about separate telangANa. He started telangANa movement, only after Mr. Naidu denied him cabinet berth.
Question: Why BJP leaders were silent in 2000 when three states Chattisgadh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand were created?
Ans: 2000 was a beautiful opportunity to divide A.P. and solve the problem permanently. But Mr. Vajpayee, Mr. Advani, Mr. Chandrababu Naidu colluded and decided not to divide A.P. Why did KCR,kOdanDa ram remain silent at that time? Why did Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, VidyasAgar Rao, Venkaiah Naidu keep mum at that time? Was there no hurry at that time?
Question: What made Ms. Sonia Gandhi join TRS and wear pink scarf?
Ans: During 2000-2004, Andhra Pradesh was ruled by TDP and, India was ruled by NDA. Ms. Sonia Gandhi and Mr. Rajasekhar Reddy were desperate to capture power. Ms. Sonia started wearing pink scarf on her neck and entered into an alliance with TRS for capturing telangANa votes. She started promising separate telangANa. She forgot about the people of sImAndhra, who were also her staunch supporters. She took them for granted.
UPA-1 came to power. It received support from TRS. Mr. KCR joined Central Cabinet as Shipping Minister. He started pressing Centre for separate telangaNa, and finally quit because Ms. Sonia was fulfil her promise.
2009. UPA-2. Ms. Sonia and Mr. YSR Reddy coolly promised telangAna and got their power. SimAndhra people should have objected to it demanding united A.P. or a justifiable division of A.P. on reasonable give and take after negotiations. They blindly voted for Sonia, mesmerised by YSR. This was a great blunder. But, there was no alternative also, because they could not fully believe Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu (He is unreliable. He ditched his own father-in-law, NTR. He supported Third front first. Then he shifted his loyalty to NDA and BJP. In 2009, again he left NDA). SimAndhra People could not fully believe Mr. Chiranjivi. People were right in not fully believing Chiru. He ditched his voters and merged his party with Congress, to become Union Minister of State for Tourism.
How about the abusive language of KCR & Co and KodandaRam & Co?
2002 to 2013. The family party TRS (KCR, son KTR, son-in-law Harish Rao, daughteer Kavita are all bosses of TRS) instigated common and poor people of telangANa against people of sImAndhra by abusive words. (rAhul gAndhi should have called these nonsense long back! But he did not call for reasons known only to him). TJac leaders like kOdanDa Ram had his own set of abusive words. Maoists leaders like Gaddar, Varavara Rao, CPI leader nArAyaNa joined the fray. Hundreds of examples can be given for the abusive words used by KCR & Co., and kOdanDarAm & Co. One example for KCR: kiraN (Chief Minister of AP, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy) should can start a tea bunk in Hyderabad.
telugu script. కెసిఆర్:- కిరణ్ కావాలంటే హైదరాబాదులో చాయ్ బంకు పెట్టుకోవచ్చు.
కెసిఆర్:- మన్మోహన్ సింగ్ చప్రాసీకి ఉన్న జ్ఞానం కూడా లేని వాడు.
కెసిఆర్:- లంకలో సీమాంధ్రులు పుట్టారు.
Why BJP is chasing Congress to divide A.P.?
BJP did not lag behind because it wanted to get a foothold in telangANA. TelangANa BJP leaders forgot that there was BJP in sImAndhra. Everybody wanted to blame Congress. AICC wanted to fight the blame game by surrendering to TRS and get it merged with Congress. AICC forgot that there were sImAndhra poor people. Sonia thought by giving ministerial berths to Chiranjivi, kAvuri Sambasiva Rao, Mr. Seelam, Ms. Panabaka Lakshmi, palLamrAju, kishOre Singdev, she could sing some lullabies.
Not that there was no case for creation of telangANa. But the demands of TRS are outrageous. KCR and Co, kOdanDaram and Co, TCongress leaders forget that India is a whole geographical entity and division of States is only for convenience of administration. In fact, Smaller States are very convenient for people to reach their Capital, return back to their places within one day. This is important because staying in lodges is very expensive. Plate Meals in A.P. cost Rs. 50 to Rs. 100. Distance between Srikakulam (NH5,NH 9) and Hyderabad is more than 700 km. Distance between taDA Gudur Nellore and Hyderabad (NH5, NH 9, train Gudur-Vijayavada,Vijayavada to Hyderabad) is also more than 700 km. Distance between Anantapur and Hyderabad is also about 500 km. Distance between Hyderabad and Adilabad is also substantial.
KCR and Co, kOdanDaram and Co, some TCongress-TDP MPs, foolishly think that they can become emperors of new telangANa and drive out all SImAndhra people from Hyderabad, and resell/re-allot all the lands to new batches of industrialists and collect ransom. They want to cheaply buy the houses left by sImAndhra People, by thretening them. (This happened in Pakisthan. During partition, when Hindus of Pak came back to India, the PAKi Govt. and people occupied them). KCR already promised easy copy exams to telangANA students who lose their education during strikes. He promised increments and promotions to telangANA agitationist Govt. employees. He promised freedom-fighter like pensions to T agitators.
What TRS, TJAC, TCongress, T-TDP, T-BJP should realise is that they cannot drive away people selectively. Migration from one place to another place seeking livelihood all over India is a constitutional right. Purchase of small pieces of property for genuine personal use, is also a Constitutional Right. Purchase of jobs by paying bribes and with fake certificates should be curbed by filing cases. These are crimes, immaterial whether it is done by telangANa natives or Andhra natives. (Recall the case of Railway Recruitment Boards selling Railway Jobs in Maharashtra to some Biharis when Lalu was Railway Minister). Purchase of dozens of house plots, apartments, acres of lands in outskirts of cities etc. need severe correction. They have nothing to do genuine migration.
Instigated by KCR and K-ram, hooligans destroyed several statues of poets, freedom-fighters and great telugu men on the Tankbunds in Hyderabad. By their excess instigations, lives of TCongress and T-TDP MLAs and MPs became threatened and everybody joined the bandwagon of telangANa. Now, if KCR, KTR, TCongress, T-TDP, T-BJP leaders slow down their tempo of abuse, Tagitators will kill them. Thus, there is no go back.
SimAndhra people would not have objected if the Working Committee of Congress, prepared 3 or 4 sets of alternative offers of amicable division and asked the people of A.P. to chose one among them. There were indications that people and leaders would have accepted it, if the offers were reasonable. For example, Mr. Kishore ChandradEv, Union Minister suggested creation of three States. Mr. Undavalli Arunkumar, MP from Rajahmundry suggested three States. Mr. TG Venkatesh, Minister from Rayala Sima suggested three States.
Sonia and her followers (Pranab, Manmohan Singh, Chidambaram, Shinde, Chacko, Digvijay Singh) are trying to impose unjust unilateral decisions on people of SimAndhra. When people of TelangANa and SimAndhra jointly developed Hyderabad, how can Sonia gift the entire Hyderabad to TRS, as a bribe for its merger with Congress? This is the only point which united the people of SimAndhra and prevented them from going for a legitimate division. Ms. Sonia, Mr. Manmohan Singh and Mr. Shinde say that the legitimate grievances of SImAndhra people will be addressed.
What will they address? Why din't they intervene when KCR & Co, KodanDa Ram & Co went on abusing people of SImAndhra for ten years? Did they ever say a single word discouraging such abuses? What did the AICC leaders say when the statues on tank bund were ransacked?
Where is their concrete acton plan for redressing the grievances?
Congress and BJP have no concrete plan. They want to fish in troubled waters for their political needs.One simple example will do: Cabinet Note says that the residual State of Andhra Pradesh should mobilise its own funds for building a new Capital. Centre should have offered to bear the entire cost, because it is Centre which decided to divide.
Centre has not made any Multiple Choice offers for the Capital of SimAndhra, showing benefits and disadvantages for each choice. Does the Central Govt. want District Towns like Visakhapatnam, Rajahmundry, Vijayavada, Guntur, Ongole, Kurnool, Kadapa, Tirupati, Anantapur (etc.) to fight among themselves.
Choosing Kurnool will cause great inconvenience to people of Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam, because they have to cross nallamala forest from Ongole to Kurnool. Vice versa. Choosing Visakhapatnam will cause great difficulties to people of Anantapur and Kurnool. Even choosing Vijayavada and Guntur also will not really help, because the ghat road between Vinukonda and Kurnool is full of culverts (no bridges), U curves, robbers, wild animals. It is just beside the Nagarjuna Sagar Srisailam Tiger reserve.
Central Leaders have no realised the serious problems arising out of development of Capital Cities and consequent migrations. Suppose if Kurnool gets back its Capital (It was Capital from 1953 to 1956), simAndhra people from SrikAkuLam to SriharikOTa will migrate to Kurnool for livelihood. This is a constitutional right. Then they may buy some homes. Land Mafias will intensify their rule in Kurnol. Then they will have to start a separate RAyala SIma movement, just as the people of telangANA are doing now. Same will be the case if the Capital is in Visakhapatnam, Rajahmundry, Vijayavada, Eluru, Guntur, Ongole, Nellore, Tirupati or any other place. Land mafias will take over.
This temptation for land is very peculiar. Like sex, it will not leave anybody in peace. Otherwise, why should Mr. Robert Vadhra get land allotted in Rajasthan and Hariyana, get some Govt. schemes for the places and resell them, making hundreds of crore in the process?
We need to throw cities into dust bin. We should go for medium sized towns for development, with maximum length of 5 km. and width of 5 km. The average size of a State should not exceed 250 km. in length and 250 km. in width. If the Capital of such State is in its Centre, every place in the State will not be more than 125 km. from Capital.
Taking the above parameters into consideration, A.P. can go for 5 states.
1. North Andhra. 2. South Andhra. 3. RAyala sIma. 4. North telangANa. 5. South telangANa.
KCR & Co says that nobody can forcibly keep two areas united. According to him, it would be unnatural. According to them, if one brother says "I want to go away", other brother cannot say "No".
Right. Will one brother take entire property developed with common pool of funds?
Suppose, tomorrow, if people of Nalgonda, Mahaboobnagar and Khammam, want a separate South TelangANa, will KCR & Co, North TelangANa Congress and TDP MLAS and MPs allow? They can't say that it is a hypothetical or imaginary question. Unity is not an inherent characteristic of Telugu people or Indians. Divisions and Separations are our Indian natural characteristics. Otherwise how could Alexander, Mohd. Ghazni, Mohd. Ghori, Allauddin Khilji, Mohd. Bin Tuglak, Babar, Akbar, Jahangir, Shajahan, Aurangzeb, Clive, Warren Hastings, Wellesley, Dalhousie, loot India for 1000 years?
How could Juna Khan (commander of Tuglaks) could take kAkatIya pratApa Rudra 2 as prisoner? Ans: velama dora commanders (one caste in AP) and reddy commanders (another caste in AP) squabbled with one another and refused to support pratApa rudra, together. Consequently, junA khAn could easily take away pratApa rudra as prisoner. Poor pratApa Rudra jumped from the boat into narmada river while crossing it enroute to Delhi.
KCR and Co, and Kodanda Ram and Co should realise that they have no right to drive away people even if Ms. Sonia and Shinde turn a blind eye to such atrocities. They should not become another Shiva Sena or tAliban in India.
Will separation of States become an All India problem?
Ans: The case for smaller States, we cannot limit only to A.P. Vidarbha needs a State. North karnATaka needs a State. Probably South Tamil NADu. Probably Gujarat, Rajasthan. Probably more rounds for UP, Bihar.
Congress is blaming TDP and YSRCP for giving consent letters and going back. At that time, every party was facing threats from KCR & Kram. In the All Party Meeting, the Home Minister should have asked for conditions. Their consent cannot be for blind selfish division, without elements of justice. Besides, they did not expect big movement in SimAndhra.
If Messrs. Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, Chacko, Shinde, Digvijay Singh, Chidambaram, go on making vague promises (without telling specifically what they wlll do), SimAndhra People will not believe. They have already started believing that Congress has a secret alliance with TRS and YSRCP, in spite of knowing that TRS leaders were threatening everybody and Jagan amassed hundreds of thousands of crores of Rupees with quid pro quo. Such selfish adament decisions will affect National Integration, because people of other States in India will someday or other will know truths.
BJP leaders like Mr. Narendra Modi, Mr. Rajnath Singh, Ms. Sushma Swaraj, Mr. Venkaiah Naidu, Mr. Kishan Reddy, Mr. Vidyadhara Rao, Mr. BandAru DattAtrEya also cannot play with sentiments of Telugu people. The should talk to BJP SimAndhra leaders and come out with alternative plans, minimum three propsals.
Suggest a solution
Centre should keep pending the Cabinet Note. It must come forward with 2 or 3 alternate plans which will do justice to all the Districts of A.P. According to me, if North East can have seven States, why Andhra Pradesh should not get five States? But unilateral decisions cannot be imposed. People of all the Districts will have to use their choices and options. They have to discuss among themselves. They have to voluntarily come out with ideas which can be implemented peacefully. Centre cannot impose.
Mr. Susilkumar Shinde said that the people of residual Andhra Pradesh should decide their Capital. That means he wants to create more rifts among the Districts of SImAndhra. He has no suggestions to offer in this regard. Why? Mr. Shinde is only HMV His Master's Voice logo of Ms. Sonia Gandhi. She, herself, does not know, where the Capital of the residual Andhra Pradesh should situate. Because, she does not know the geography of SImAndhra. She does not know nallamala Hills and ghAT roads of Guntur-Kurnool Highway. She knows only one thing, waving hands after alighting from helicopter and from cars to foolish crowds on the Highways.
Question: If she were to really know where the new Capital of the Residual Andhra Pradesh, should get located, what she should do?
Ans: She should meet the people of SimAndhra (not only leaders, but also people on roads), and hear from them, what they have to say. She should inspect the Guntur Kurnool Road, travelling in a car. She should also perform the rail journey from Guntur to Dhone, and Dhone to Kurnool. She should also travel from Kurnool to Visakhapatnam. It is how, the problems of people are to be understood.
Alas! Ms. Sonia Gandhi is now very busy. She is busy establishing an All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Rae Bareli, her own Constituency. We can see her photo in newspapers, squatting with PriyAnka, before a Priest performing the foundation stone ceremony. Readers can also see one skull (may be a plastic toy skull or a baby skull or some other tantric object) in the plate beside the priest. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Raebareli is another example.
Here is a beautiful link from Indian Express. This photo is worth seeing. This news is also worth reading. Thanks to Indian Express.Com.
Rai Bareli is certainly entitled to get an AIIMS. But it should not be because, it is going to elect Ms. Sonia Gandhi as its MP. In Nov. 2012, Sonia took away to Rai Bareli one Rail Coach Factory originally planned at kAjipet (Warangal) on Chennai-New Delhi GT Line. I do not grudge the fortunes of Rai Bareli people. They deserve these plants, like any other backward Region in India. Funny thing is: Why TRS and TCongress leaders are mum about these?
This type of diverting funds and projects, every leader both Central and State level have done. Noteworthy: Lalu Prasad Yadav, Mamata Banerjee, Nitish Kumar.
Examples for kiraN.
source: kind courtesy. skyscrapercity.com.
N. Kiran Kumar Reddy had a busy time in Piler and Kalikiri mandals of his constituency on Monday, unveiling scores of plaques to lay the foundation stone for new projects and inaugurating new facilities, worth about Rs.700 crore.
In Kalikiri, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy laid foundation stones for the 400KV sub-station worth Rs. 220 crore, JNTU building (Rs. 360 crore), 100-bed hospital (Rs.21.4 crore), APTDC Haritha resort and Pasu Vignana Kendram (Rs.7 crore each), National Academy of Construction (Rs.6.6 crore), an integrated farming system complex (Rs.2.5 crore), agricultural polytechnic (Rs. 2.8 crore) and Krishi Vignan Kendra (Rs. 2.7 crore). He also inaugurated the agricultural market yard building and later interacted with the farmers. In Piler, he inaugurated a 100-bedded hospital worth Rs.21.3 crore, infrastructure facilities at Indiramma Colony (Rs.15 crore), APSWC shopping complex (Rs.1.6 crore) and 33/11 KV sub-stations at Ponthalacheruvu and Regallu (Rs.1.4 crore each). Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy also announced the launch of the Rs.7,390-crore ambitious drinking water project for Chittoor.
Ms. Sonia Gandhi's selfishness in serving her own Constituency, Mr. Kiran kumar Reddy's selfishness in serving his own District, stand examples of instances which can lead to regional grievances. Lack of proper systems and procedures for allocating developmental funds, and disregard for the existing systems and procedures lead to gross injustice.
Let us hope that Centre will not create a Kashmir-like situation in TelangANa or SImAndhra.
Question: Should the Government go slow?
Ans: Govt. should foresee the probable reactions of people of both the areas and try to avoid possible dangerous situations. If it believes that by moving Companies of army and CRP, telugu people can be easily suppressed, it will be a grave blunder. Postponement of separation from 1969 to 2013 is a neglect of 44 years. When successive Governments could neglect it 44 years, they cannot fly now recklessly. Care is very important.
How to proceed now?
Group of Ministers constituted by Prime Minister, should first prepare alternative packages and put them on InterNet for discussion among people of Andhra Pradesh. The proposed choices should also be published/advertised in newspapers, TV channels. People have to discuss among themselves the benefits and defects of each choice. After some deliberations, they will come forward with some workable proposals. The Govt. can also go for a referendum to ascertain the views of people who will be affectd. After all, people are not like sheep with their necks on the butcher's guillotine.
If Govt. decides to hurry up the bill, without knowing how the people of telangANa and SImAndhra are going to react, the GOM will be creating new problems and entanglements. We have a proverb in Telugu. PenamlO nunDi poyyi pai paDa kUDadu. Meaning: We should not fall from frying pan/roasting pan into the fire. Frying pan will be more bearable when compared to fire.
telugu script: పెనం పైనుండి పొయ్యిలో పడ్డట్లు.
(To continue. I reserve the right to modify the language used above or the ideas , if my readers find anything objectionable. I believe that I have not written anything sacrosanct or sinful.)
Added on May 26, 2019.

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