The following write up is not to be viewed as a comment on the 21st Century Brahmins in general, or the East Godavari, West Godavari Brahmins, in particular. This verse narrates what happened in 14th Century Era in the Godavari Area. That too, under the patronage of just two Royal Brothers, ruling near Rajahmundry-Anaparti-Bhimavaram-Vengi. This Royal Patronage might have dwindled during the lifetime of Srinatha himself, i.e. the 14th Century itself. It only demonstrates that Royal Patronages (in the 21st Century we can say Government Patronages) are like bubbles. It is important, whoever receives patronages from Wealthy persons are to realise the ephemeral and transient nature of such magnanimities. Those who rule the country and the States too have to realise that their rule will only be just for five years or ten years, or some years more.
ధరియింపనేర్చిరి దర్భ వెట్టెడు వ్రేళ్ళ
లీల మాణిక్యాంగుళీయకములు
కల్పింప నేర్చిరి గంగమట్టియ మీద
కస్తూరికా పుండ్రకములు నొసల
సవరింప నేర్చిరి జన్నిదంబుల మ్రోల
దార హారములు ముత్యాలసరులు
చెరువంగ నేర్చిరి శిఖల నెన్నడుములఁ
గమ్మని క్రొత్త చెంగల్వ విరులు
ధామముల వెండిపైడియుఁ దడఁబడంగ
బ్రాహ్మణోత్తములగ్రహారముల యందు
వేమభూపాలుడనుజన్ము వీరభద్రు
ధాత్రి నేలింప గౌతమీ తటమునందు
Roman Script: dhariyimpa nErchiri darbha veTTeDu vrELLa
lIla mANikyAngulIyakamulu
kalpincha nErchiri ganga maTTiya mIda
kastUrika punDrakamulu nosala
savarinca nErciri jannidambula mrOla
tAra hAramulu mutyAla sarulu
ceruvanga nErciri sikhala nennaDumula
kammani krotta cengalva virulu
dhAmamula venDi paiDiyu taDabaDanga
brAhmaNottamu lagrahAramu la yandu
vEma bhUpAluDanu janmu vIrabhadru
dhAtri nElimpa gautamI taTamu nandu.
English Gist: This verse describes the change in the Life Style of Brahmins of the East and West Godavari Districts, owing to the patronage and generosity of virabhadra Reddy and Vema Reddy, Rulers of the Region in the 14th Century A.D.
Earlier, prior to receiving the munificence of virabhadra Reddy, the Brahmins were wearing on their fingers, rings made of 'darbha' grass (a ritualistic, sacrificial requirement). After the patronage, they started wearing rings embedded with gems and precious stones.
Prior to the magnanimity of virabhadra Reddy, the Godavari Brahmins were wearing on their forehead, marks of soil from River Ganges. Now, they started wearing vertical facial marks mixed with cosmetic perfumary substances like musk / pug.
Prior to receiving bounties from virabhadra Reddy, the Godavari Brahmins were wearing sacred threads of cotton. After the indulgences from the King, they started wearing golden lace-chains, and laces of pearls.
Prior to getting benefitted by the magnanimity of virabhadra Reddy, the Godavari Brahmins were not wearing on their waists and in their hair strands/plaits, garlands of 'chengalva' flowers. Now, they started wearing around their waists, necks, vests, and on their hair plaits/mares -- garlands made of Chengalva flowers.
The Brahmins in their Special Hamlets called agrahArams, started living in homes filled with gold and silver. All this happened during the Rule of the elder brother Vema bhUpAla, and the younger brother virabhadra Reddy. from: Srinatha kAsi khanDam శ్రీనాథుడు కాశీ ఖండం
శార్దూలం. ఈ క్షోణిన్నినుఁ బోలు సత్కవులు లేరీ నేటి కాలంబునన్
ద్రాక్షారామ చళుక్య భీమవర గంధర్వాప్సరో భామినీ
వక్షోజద్వయ గంధసార ఘుసృణ ద్వైరాజ్య భారంబు న
ద్యక్షీంచున్ గవి సార్వభౌమ! భవదీయ ప్రౌఢసాహిత్యముల్.
Roman Script: I kshONin ninu bOlu satkavulu lErI nETi kAlambunan
drAkshArAma caLukya bhImavara gandharvApsarO bhAminI
vakshOjadvaya gandha sAra ghusruNa dvairAjya bhArambu nad
dyakshImcun kavi sArvabhauma ! bhavadIya prauDha sAhityamul.
English Gist: This verse is said to have been said by Shri virabhadra Reddy, who was the recipient of the 14th C. AD, Poetic work of Emperor of (Telugu) Poets Shrinatha-- kAsI khanDam (The Story of 'kASI', another name for vAraNAsi). Shrinatha mentioned in the Preface to his work, that virabhadra Reddy eulogised him with the above verse. It says: Oh Srinatha ! Emperor of Poets! On this Earth, there are no Great Poets who will equal you. The Damsel Ladies in DrAkshArama and Bhimavaram (These two are Shiva Temple Towns in East and West Godavari Districts of Andhra Pradesh, India) were conquered by the handsomeness of Shrinatha. References to gandhasAra (sandalwood), and ghusriNa (saffron) are references to the cosmetics applied by Shrinatha on his body. from: Shrinatha & Virabhadra Reddy శ్రీనాథుడు, వీరభద్రారెడ్డి, కాశీఖండం, అవతారిక.
ybrao-a-donkey's feelings, not intended to be imposed on others
The above changes in life style of Brahmins pertains to 14th Century CE.
Question: Today, Godavari Villages and Towns near Rajahmundry and Bhimavaram have become Dens for Criminal Activities?

This post is incomplete. I shall come back and continue adding / deleting/ modifying.
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