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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

1034 (Part 2/5 series) What are the definitions of Hindi words 'uch (higher)' and 'nIch (lower)'? Who are to express this attribute?

This is in continuation of Post No. 1031 at this blog: Click if you wish to start from Recapitulation: In the heat of Gujarat Assembly Elections 2017, Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyar, a Former Congress Central Minister and MP, in his speeches, referred to Mr. Narendra Modi, Hon. Prime Minister of India, as 'nIch kism'. The two top meanings of the word 'kism' was discussed by us in the post 1031, the first meaning being 'type, kind' i.e. nIch kism = lowly type, lowly kind, in essence a bad/wicked person. The second meaning of kism was 'breed' with reference to khAndAn (family), nasl(caste) of a person, nIch kism, then means a person of a lowly family caste. Mr. Narendra Modi, Hon. Prime Minister, in his speeches took the meaning that Mr. Aiyar referred to his (Mr. Modi's) Backward Caste. Mr. Aiyar, under pressure, claimed that he referred to 'type, kind' of person, NOT TO THE CASTE OF MR. MODI, and that as he belonged to South India, who are not expected to be conversant with the nuances of Hindi language, sought that his utterance may be excused/ignored/condoned.

This is a controversial delicate subject, which is to be handled very carefully even during discussions and reviews. Hence, I request my Readers to bear and forbear with me. I have no malice towards either Hon. Modi, or Mr. Aiyar. I shall try to be impartial.

What are the definitions of the Hindi words 'uch' and 'nIch'

Uch and nIch are attributive adjectives, i.e. adjectives placed before Nouns to denote 'high, higher', 'low, lower' respectively. Different dictionaries may have different meanings, depending upon the predilections-penchants-preferances of the Compilers of the Dictionaries. Dictionaries are not like 'single-monopolistic' sacred scriptures of some religions, which insist upon that only one specific scripture should be adhered to. Most Indian languages are not monopolistic, bigot-ic languages (My personal view: Religions may be bigotic and monopolistic, but languages are not expected to be bigotic and monopolistic).

Again another subjective view from me, that Valmiki Ramayan is not a primary Religious Scripture, in spite of numerous interpolations and insertions into it by Temple Preachers at the instance of Kings

We shall take an example from Sanskrit Valmiki Ramayan, where the word 'nIch' has been used to mean a 'nIch mAnav lowly person-human' i.e. to the kism='kind, type' interpretation, and not 'breed, caste, family' interpretation.

Valmiki Ramayan, Book 3 (Aranya kAnDa=Book of Forests), sarge 53= Chapter 53, SlOka 3 =Verse 3. 3-53-3.
In DevanAgari Script
न व्यपत्रपसे नीच कर्मणा अनेन रावण |
ज्ञात्वा विरहिताम् यो माम् चोरयित्वा पलायसे ||

In Roman Script
na vyap taraasE nIch karmaNA anEna rAvaNa
gnAtvA virahitam, yO mAm cOrayitvA palAyasE.

Word to word meanings and English gist. Source courtesy: Click here to go to, if you wish to see the verse.

niica raavaNa = knave, Ravana; GYaatvaa = on knowing; vi rahitaam = without, someone - my aloneness; yaH = you who are; maam corayitvaa palaayase = me, on thieving, you took to flight; anena karmaNaa = by this, act [subterfuge]; na vyapatrapase [vi apa tarpase] = not, [very, lowly, ashamed] = are you not ashamed in the least.

"You knave Ravana, you are taking flight on thieving me after prowling about my loneliness, such as you are, are you not ashamed in the least for this subterfuge.

Context in the Valmiki Ramayana: The Demon Ravana abducted Rama's wife Sita, when Sita, Rama, Lakshmanas were in Forest Exile. Sita was denouncing Ravana for his stealthy mischievous act of taking her away through lowly methods. Valmiki (through Sita's wails) used 24 verses, almost the entire Chapter 53, to denounce Ravana, for his knave act.

In the above word-to-word meanings given at Respected above source vAlmikiramayan website, the two words 'nIca' and 'rAvaNa' were taken as one phrase, calling the Demon 'knave Ravana'.

I personally view that: this word 'nIch=knave' has been used in the Meanings as attribute to describe rAvaNa, and placed before the word rAvaNa. A better way of placing this attribute nIch knave will be, before kArmENa. nIch karmENa = by knave, stealthy actions. Here, nIch are the actions of RavaNa, and not Ravana himself. But, by derivation, automatically, indirectly, a person who performs knave acts (nIch karm) becomes nIch=knave. Anyway, the ultimately we can say that Sita called Ravana knave, because Ravana stole her performing knave acts.

Meaning of 'knave' , as per Click to go to

knave [neyv] an unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest person.
Archaic. a male servant. a man of humble position.

Synonyms: 1. blackguard, villain, scamp, scapegrace. Knave, rascal, rogue, scoundrel are disparaging terms applied to persons considered base, dishonest, or worthless. Knave, which formerly meant merely a boy or servant, in modern use emphasizes baseness of nature and intention: a dishonest and swindling knave. Rascal suggests shrewdness and trickery in dishonesty: a plausible rascal.A rogue is a worthless fellow who sometimes preys extensively upon the community by fraud: photographs of criminals in a rogues' gallery.A scoundrel is a blackguard and rogue of the worst sort: a thorough scoundrel. Rascal and rogue are often used affectionately or humorously ( an entertaining rascal; a saucy rogue), but knave and scoundrel are not.

yb's personal view: I have already pointed out in Post No. 1031, the word kism has two meanings, one referring to the type of person, and the other referring to the breed of the person. Here also, for the word nIch=knave person, we are again getting two meanings, the first is the active meaning of 'type of person'. The second refers to the archaic meaning of 'servant, person of humble position'.

Who must say/evaluate that somebody is 'uch (highly rated person)', and some other person is a 'nIch (lowly rated/type of person)' ? Who are the persons to say uch/nIch about our Hon. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi?

As I have already written, there are no definitions for the words 'uch' and nIch'. They are all approximates of attributes. Besides, nobody can be perfect 'uch' or perfect 'nIch'. We, humans, are all complex characters, with 'dvandva pravrittis= dual conflicting traits'. That means a person can be 'uch' at some places, and 'nich' at some other places (Place variance). A person can be 'uch' at a certain time, and 'nich' at some other time, even on the same day, within a gap of a few seconds/minutes/hours. This beautiful Place-fluctuating gyrations, and the Time-gyrations between 'uch' and 'nIch' behaviors of the same person, has been demonstrated in a fantas-tic legend called 'simhAsana dvAtrimsikam' connected with the Lives of Emperors Vikramarka and Bhoja rAja. That story I shall narrate some other time.

Period of Experience - or personal interactions with the 'person under study' can also throw a brighter-denser focus on ways of behaviors-conducts-dialogs-movements of persons.

For example, the People of Gujarat have experinced Mr. Narendra Modi, as an RSS/BJP Worker for about 13 years, and as Chief Minister for about 15 years. Whereas People of India were exposed to the Rule of Hon. Narendra Modi only for about four years. That means people of Gujarat were 'more intense subjects and objects of Mr. Narendra Modi's predilections, when compared to the People of India.

If Mr. Narendra Modi is to be given 'stars' at personal level, Ms. Jashoda Ben i.e. Mrs. Narendra Modi will be the right person to star him.

If Mr. Narendra Modi is to be given 'stars' at political level, the most Competent Evaluators, may be Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Shri Lal Krishna Advani, and Shri Murali Manohar Joshi, who received his Services, and who encouraged him to become the Chief Minister of Gujarat.

Something autobiographical from my youth-hood experience, in my career

To come back, continue adding / deleting / modifying.

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721      |      722      |      723      |      724      |      725      |      726      |      727      |      728      |      729      |      730      |      731      |      732      |      733      |      734      |      735      |      736      |      737      |      738      |      739      |      740      |     
741      |      742      |      743      |      744      |      745      |      746      |      747      |      748      |      749      |      750      |      751      |      752      |      753      |      754      |      755      |      756      |      757      |      758      |      759      |      760      |     
761      |      762      |      763      |      764      |      765      |      766      |      767      |      768      |      769      |      770      |      771      |      772      |      773      |      774      |      775      |      776      |      777      |      778      |      779      |      780      |     
781      |      782      |      783      |      784      |      785      |      786      |      787      |      788      |      789      |      790      |      791      |      792      |      793      |      794      |      795      |      796      |      797      |      798      |      799      |      800      |     

801      |      802      |      803      |      804      |      805      |      806      |      807      |      808      |      809      |      810      |      811      |      812      |      813      |      814      |      815      |      816      |      817      |      818      |      819      |      820      |     
821      |      822      |      823      |      824      |      825      |      826      |      827      |      828      |      829      |      830      |      831      |      832      |      833      |      834      |      835      |      836      |      837      |      838      |      839      |      840      |     
841      |      842      |      843      |      844      |      845      |      846      |      847      |      848      |      849      |      850      |      851      |      852      |      853      |      854      |      855      |      856      |      857      |      858      |      859      |      860      |     
861      |      862      |      863      |      864      |      865      |      866      |      867      |      868      |      869      |      870      |      871      |      872      |      873      |      874      |      875      |      876      |      877      |      878      |      879      |      880      |     
881      |      882      |      883      |      884      |      885      |      886      |      887      |      888      |      889      |      890      |      891      |      892      |      893      |      894      |      895      |      896      |      897      |      898      |      899      |      900      |     

901      |      902      |      903      |      904      |      905      |      906      |      907      |      908      |      909      |      910      |      911      |      912      |      913      |      914      |      915      |      916      |      917      |      918      |      919      |      920      |     
921      |      922      |      923      |      924      |      925      |      926      |      927      |      928      |      929      |      930      |      931      |      932      |      933      |      934      |      935      |      936      |      937      |      938      |      939      |      940      |     
941      |      942      |      943      |      944      |      945      |      946      |      947      |      948      |      949      |      950      |      951      |      952      |      953      |      954      |      955      |      956      |      957      |      958      |      959      |      960      |     
961      |      962      |      963      |      964      |      965      |      966      |      967      |      968      |      969      |      970      |      971      |      972      |      973      |      974      |      975      |      976      |      977      |      978      |      979      |      980      |     
981      |      982      |      983      |      984      |      985      |      986      |      987      |      988      |      989      |      990      |      991      |      992      |      993      |      994      |      995      |      996      |      997      |      998      |      999      |      1000      |     

From 1001 (In gradual progress)

1001      |      1002      |      1003      |      1004      |      1005      |      1006      |      1007      |      1008      |      1009      |     
1010      |           |     
1011      |      1012      |      1013      |      1014      |      1015      |     
1016      |      1017      |      1018      |      1019      |      1020      |     

1021      |      1022      |      1023      |      1024      |      1025      |     
1026      |      1027      |      1028      |      1029      |      1030      |     

     |      1031      |           |      1032      |           |      1033      |           |      1034      |           |      1035      |           |      1036      |      1037      |      1038      |      1039      |      1040      |     

     |      1041      |      1042      |      1043      |           |      1044      |           |      1045      |     

     |      1046      |      1047      |      1048      |           |      1049      |           |      1050      |     

     |      1051      |      1052      |      1053      |           |      1054      |           |      1055      |     
     |      1056      |      1057      |      1058      |           |      1059      |           |      1060      |     
     |      1061      |      1062      |      1063      |           |      1064      |           |      1065      |     
     |      1066      |      1067      |      1067      |      1068      |      1069      |      1069      |      1070      |     
     |      1071      |      1072      |      1073      |      1074      |      1075      |      1076      |     
1077      |      1078      |      1079      |      1080      |     
     |      1081      |      1082      |      1083      |      1084      |      1085      |      1086      |     
1087      |      1088      |      1089      |      1090      |     
     |      1091      |      1092      |      1093      |      1094      |      1095      |      1096      |     
1097      |      1098      |      1099      |      1100      |     
     |      1101      |      1102      |      1103      |      1104      |      1105      |      1106      |     
1107      |      1108      |      1109      |      1110      |