It is not reasonable to compare the Economic Performance(s) of India and Singapore, not to speak of the 'medicare performances'. Context: Some dialogues in the Tamil Film 'Mersal' criticising Demonetisation, GST (Economic Reforms introduced in India during 2016 and 2017), and comparing Medicare in Singapore, and the Medicare in India. I also feel that Commercial Films produced for Entertainment purposes cannot properly analyse the Economic Issues which India (or for that matter any other country in the world) is trying to solve. There are myriad reasons for this. Commercial Films in INdia try to arouse emotions in masses, and make some quick bucks. Dialogues of five or ten minutes cannot delineate complex economic issues, or even medico-socio-economic issues. Here is a Hindusthan Times Link for those who wish to see/read this news item: Click here to go to http://www.hindustantimes.com/regional-movies/watch-the-controversial-mersal-scene-in-which-vijay-knocks-pm-modi-s-gst/story-wyEItqc7qP6i0rvZrnjjEI.html. Clarification: I am not a supporter of BJP or the Bourgeoisie Opposition Parties. But, still I feel that it will be better for Tamil Nadu BJP Leaders, not to take the Criticism in the film too much into their hearts. Reason: There is already a clamor that Right of Freedom of Expression is being throttled. Consequently, BJP will unnecessarily get a bad-name.
Question: Why comparison of India's GST Rates in Singapore and India, Medicare Facilities in Singapore and India, will be incongruous?
Film's Comment | Singapore | India |
a country such as Singapore levies only 7% Goods and Services Tax (GST) and can afford to provide free healthcare services. However, India is unable to provide the same while levying a 28% GST. | Singapore is a City State (Just one City, comprising a Nation. Population, just 5.6 million. It is easy to administer a small country, with small population, which is not divergent --different religions, castes, languages, climates, work cultures, ethical beliefs. | India is an Expansive and Over-populated Giant, bursting at its seams. Population 1,300 million. |
Singapore does not live just on GST. It has numerous other fund flows. Singapore is a Tax-haven country thriving on tax evaded, money laundered funds, consisting of kick backs, under-invoiced Exports, Over-invoiced Imports etc. funds remitted by Financial Criminals. Countries engaged in similar activities such as Switzerland, Britain-with its Tax Haven Islands such as Island of Man, France, USA, Makavu, Hong Kong, Taiwan etc. etc. have a similar Welfare Exhibitionism. | India has not so far fallen into the trap of establishing International Tax Havens, and shelters for Economic Criminals. | |
Singapore is not burdened with much defence expenditure. | India has nearly 5000 km. long sensitive-troublesome borders with China, Pakisthan. Though relations with other neighbors are good, still that does not mean that we should leave our borders with those countries unguarded. All this requires huge expenditure on Defence, Acquisition of Fighter Aircraft, Fighter Ships, Fencing, maintaining big armies, purchase of guns, tanks, drones, robots, radars, what not? |
We must never forget that "All that glitters is not gold". Singapore's Prosperity and Welfare-Shows are to be viewed with a pinch of salt.
ybrao-a-donkey's personal views which are not intended to be imposed on others
If our film producers, directors, Heroes, and Heroines want to be truly socially responsible, they have a lot to do in their own Film Industry. Today, billions of Rupees of Financial Resources are being wasted by Indian Film Industry, by producing "trash" which cannot be called films in any manner. When there are thousands of great scenery locations in India, why the Producers and Directors are taking their Troops to Brazil, Makav, Europe, USA, Thailand, Singapore etc., and arranging Chill-down Parties with drugs? They can produce beautiful films in India, with very low budgets.
At the outset, the producers and directors of Mersal should have prepared an effective screenplay consisting of dialogues with arguments from both sides on demonetisation and GST. Just as, every coin has two sides, every Reform will have its two sides. Availing the Right of Freedom of Expression is to be done with required care, diligence, and effectiveness. It may not be as simple as garlanding flexies of Heroes, or throwing cattle dung/stones on the flexies of Rival Heroes.
Once, they make a film equipped with properly discussed and evaluated dialogues (political, economic, socio-economic matters), they should not ordinarily go back if somebody raises objections. As far as possible, further discussions can be initiated, by providing explanations, and inviting more questions.
Incomplete. To come back and continue adding / deleting / modifying.
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