As an aficionado (in the meaning of devotee) of Open Source Software, I am tempted to present here, a php script for a Sqlite (& Sqlite3) Database Creation, Table Creation, Editor for SQlite file databases which can be embedded and used in USB Pendrives, or Offline/Online Computers, without installing the database files in Memory. SqLite (&SqLite3) seem to suit this purpose of going for file databases. In case of file databases, the data is stored in .sqlite files. Though the .sqlite files are not like flat files genre such as 'csv' (Comma Separated Values) files which can be opened and read/edited in text editors, yet, at least file databases have independent existence in the respective folders either on USB drives, or in Computer Hard-disk folders. Unlike other mainstream databases such as mysql, postgresql, which require database files to be stored in Computer Memories, file databases, especially sqlite databases can use pdo sqlite connections, and can not only be stored in USB pen drives, but also be conveniently backed up/copied among usb-to-usb, usb-to-computer, computer-to-usb etc. In the absence of suitable php scripts (I felt that there is a paucity of such non-commercial scripts), we may have to use packages such as sqlmanageers, and sqlite managers. For editing purpose, some extra proficiency in creating and executing sql statements will be needed if we have to make use of packages such as 'sqlite managers'.
First I shall give a screenshot of an SQLite Manager, which I could get, wherefrom I do not know, probably I might have obtained as default with my php sqlite3 installation, which I have tried to use for working with sqlite databases:
The php script which is presented here below does not require such 'sql' proficiencies, which sqlite managers need. First I copy and paste below, the php script used by me to design an sqlite3 database creator, table creator, rows inserter, rows updater, rows deleter, searcher for strings in columns of tables. After the php script, I shall explain some prerequisites for the script to work, some precautions, some pros and cons.