Great People seem to think alike!!! Shri Venkaiah Naidu, India's Information & Broadcasting Minister, Urban Development Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley, India's Finance Minister, and Swami Vivekananda, the Idol of our BJP leaders, all Great Persons, seem to think alike. Context: 1) Ceaseless suicides of Farmers, drowned in indebtedness, harassed by private money lenders. 2) Electoral compulsions of Political Parties in various States of India, to offer Bank Agricultural Loan Waivers, in spite of their own lack of sincerity, and several other hurdles. Farmer suicides are not new in India. They were there since the ancient times. Example: In the 15th Century Medieval India, Telugu States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, the Great Telugu Poet Srinatha though exactly did not commit suicide, passed away only because of his inability to endure the tortures indicted by the then Gajapati Rulers in an attempt to extract State Taxes from him, which he could not repay as his crops at Boddupalli Village on the banks of Krishna River were lost owing to funds. Believed to be the Greatest of the Trio (Vivekananda, Jaitley, and Venkaiah Naidu), we shall start with Swami Vivekananda, towards the problems of peasants:--
This quote is from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. Correctness, can be verified by Google-ing. The following paragraph of his letter dated Feb. 21, 1900 to Swami Akhandananda, his brother-disciple, from California, USA gives an indication about his approach to problems of the peasants and workers.
"... The moment they will come to understand their own condition and feel the necessity of help and improvement, know that your work is taking effect and is in the right direction, while the little good that the moneyed classes, out of pity, do to the poor, does not last, and ultimately it does nothing but harm to both parties. The peasants and labouring classes are in a moribund condition, so what is needed is that the moneyed people will only help them to regain their vitality, and nothing more. Then leave the peasants and labourers to look to their own problem, to grapple with and solve it. But then you must take care not to set up class-strife between the poor peasants, the labouring people, and wealthy classes. Make it a point not to abuse the moneyed classes. " — The wise man should achieve his own object. ... "
ybrao-a-donkey's personal humble view, not intended to be imposed on others: So, Swami Vivekananda was a wise man, who knew how to achieve his own object.
How our Great Leader, and the Right Hand of our Greatest Leader Shri Narendra Modi, PMOI, speaks:
From the linked news report: Click to go to http://www.firstpost.com/business/memo-to-venkaiah-naidu-loan-waiver-didnt-become-a-fashion-overnight-centre-must-share-the-blame-too-3734329.html. Date: 22nd June 2017. I shall quote from the News Report:-
"...Loan waiver has become fashion now. It should be waived but in extreme situations only. It’s not a final solution. You have to take care of systems. The farmers should be taken care in distress. ..."
yb-a-donkey:Fashion or not, something is better than nothing. At least some needy farmers, though every beneficiary may not be a deserving farmer, will get some amelioration from loan waivers. Loan Waivers are like balm/salve/ointments, where kAya kalpa cikitsa i.e. a deep-rooted surgical-procedure is needed. True, loan waivers are not final solutions. But, our Hon. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi himself, during the 2017 season, initiated these waivers, to win the Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2017. Loan Waivers take care of only "Institutional Borrowings" of farmers. But bulk of the borrowings by farmers are from Private Money Lenders who abuse the farmers and abet/instigate them to commit suicides. Besides, bulk of Indian farmers are 'oral tenants' i.e. they do not own lands in their own name, nor do they have written Lease Agreements. Hence, they do not get Institutional Loans for which Waivers are made. Absentee Landlords who lease out their lands to 'oral tenants' hold the Loan Pass Books, Title Deeds, etc.,and they draw the Institutional Loans. They benefit from Farm Loan Waivers. They re-lend the institutional loans they get, to oral tenant farmers at commercial and usurious rates of interest. Some of these Private Money Lendors happen to be Village serpanches, Legislators, M.Ps. and Big Business Persons, though they may not be as rich as Ambanis and Adanis. The Private Money Lenders may sometimes incite and exacerbate the farmers' demands for loan waivers. This is because, while the oral tenant farmers receive the baton-blows and police bullets, the Money Lenders get Institutional Loan Waivers.
What did our Mr. Arun Jaitley say about loan waivers?
To come back and continue adding / deleting / modifying.
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