Mr. Donald Trump is the President of United States. Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Monk who extensively toured United States from 1893 to 1902 (with a gap), starting with the purpose of attending the World Congress of Religions 1893, Chicago. During the period, he had given lectures in American Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, New York on Religion. He had also established in U.S., monasteries of his cult. He passed away on 4th July 1902, 4th July being the Day of American Independence. Many of his disciples and Indians believe that Vivekananda chose his date of mahA NirvANa as the 4th July-American Independence, to commemorate the inseparable link his life had with the Americas. I have written more than 200 posts, based on the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. My Readers, if they are interested, can have a look at them, at my blog linked from here: Click here go to http://vivekanandayb.blogspot.com
Ques: How can you say that Mr. Donald Trump, the Eccentric American President studied in the College of Swami Vivekananda?
Ans: See this news link: Click here, to go to http://www.newsy.com/stories/trump-explains-why-he-appointed-rich-people-to-his-cabinet/, if you wish to see the full report.. I shall quote from what President Trump said at Iowa, on : 22nd July 22, 2017, reporting courtesy By Briana Koeneman.
"I love all people, rich or poor," he said. "But in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person. Does that make sense?"
He was praising Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and chief economic adviser Gary Cohn who were both in the crowd.
Ross made billions of dollars by restructuring bankrupt companies and selling them for a profit.
And Cohn was the former president and chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs before he left to run Trump's National Economic Council.
"Somebody said, 'Why did you appoint rich person to be in charge of the economy?'" Trump said. "I said, 'Because that's the kind of thinking we want.' I mean, you know, really. Because they're representing the country."
Ques: How do you compare these utterances of Trump, to the sayings of Swami Vivekananda?
Ans: Swami Vivekananda advised his brother disciple Swami Akhandananda to keep funds in custody of trusty HOUSEHOLDER OF WEALTH. Vivekananda wrote to Swami Akhandananda from London on the 13th November 1895.
"... Whenever you hear of any householder collecting funds in my or our name on the plea of erecting a Math, or some such thing, the first thing you should do is to distrust him, and never set your hand to it. The more so, as householders of poor means take to various tricks to supply their wants. Therefore, if ever a trusty devotee or a householder with a heart, being of affluent circumstances, undertakes such works as the founding of a Math, or if the funds raised be kept in the custody of a trusty householder of wealth — well and good, otherwise never have a hand in it. ... "
ybrao-a-donkey's personal view, not intended to be imposed on others: Won't Great Brains think alike?
To come back and continue adding / deleting / modifying.
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