India Gross Revenue Growth
****I. Rs. in Trillions.******
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****I. Rs. in Trillions.******
2019-20: 2.24
2020-21: 2.46
On the basis of the above graph, answer the following Questions. If you desire to see the answers, move your mouse over 'show ans' against each question.
1. India's Budget 2020-21, is projecting a __% growth in resources, during 2020-21. a`9.8% b`8.5% c`7.5% d`10.5% e`a. SHOW ANS
2. There is near stagnation in the year: a`2017-18 b`18-19 c`19-20 d`20-21 e`c. SHOW ANS
3. Near 19% growth was recorded in a`2017-18 b`18-19 c`19-20 d`20-21 e`b. SHOW ANS
4. HIGHEST growth was recorded in a`2017-18 b`18-19 c`19-20 d`20-21 e`b. SHOW ANS
1. India's Budget 2020-21, is projecting a __% growth in resources, during 2020-21. a`9.8% b`8.5% c`7.5% d`10.5% e`a. SHOW ANS
2. There is near stagnation in the year: a`2017-18 b`18-19 c`19-20 d`20-21 e`c. SHOW ANS
3. Near 19% growth was recorded in a`2017-18 b`18-19 c`19-20 d`20-21 e`b. SHOW ANS
4. HIGHEST growth was recorded in a`2017-18 b`18-19 c`19-20 d`20-21 e`b. SHOW ANS

TODAY'S highlights:
- Question: You seem to be a supporter of BJP. You have in your previous blogs supported CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act 2019). CAA discriminates among Religion(s) of Refugees, which is against Constitution.
- Ans: In only one blog post, I have discussed the CAA. The opposition to the CAA is coming from Opposition Parties and Muslims, because they doubt the Motives and the Modus Operandi of the Central Government. Though BJP has organised some Meetings and Ralleys in the Country, they could not create the required Confidence among the people. The Process of giving Nationality to Foreigners staying in a country on their Application is, often technically called, Naturalisation. Even before CAA 2019, the Central Government was giving Citizenships to Applicants, based on merits and demerits, and some other considerations, not known to People.
- One example: UK born, Pakisthani PASSPORT musician Adnan Sami Khan who started living in India ON A VISITOR'S VISA in 2001. He has successes as a Musician, because he was operating on a global scale, and obviously he might have received support from Sub-continental Audience/Spectators, including Pakistani, Indian, Bangla Desi Residents, NRIs and PIOs, Non-Resident Pakisthanis and Persons of Pakisthani Origin. As he had commercial successes, he might have made some big monies. As Indian Market is very large and lucrative, he might have preferred to hover around Bollywood, in preference to Pakisthani Markets which he might have taken for granted. He might have probably continued sailing on several boats simultaneously, had Pakistan in 2015 not refused to renew his Pakisthani Passport. Obviously, he wanted to have his cake and eat it too.
- REFERENCES: gives an account of the Career History and biographical history of this Pakisthani Musician.
- In 2015, he applied for his Indian Passport, and the Indian Government granted it to him. Why this preference to a Rich Singer from an alien/enemy/antagonistic country? There may be any number of reasons for this Supersonic Speed in granting the Passport. Did he lobby through right persons in the Indian Bureaucracy / Politician-dom, by sprinkling/showering/drenching moneys at Politico-Bureaucratic Toll Gates? Besides, the penchant/fascination of the present Government for BOLLYWOOD personalities is well-known. Consider the number of Padmashris and Padmabhushans thrown on Bollywood Stars. Consider the Selfies which our Rulers take with Bollywood Stars. Our Leaders visit Bombay to meet stars inter alia other programs, and invite them to Delhi for Special Interviews and more Photo Sessions with them. The Government might have wanted to use Adnan Sami Khan as a Poster Boy, and an Exhibition Object. The career biodata, and the personal biographic sketches available in the above Wikipedia Link do not show any special service he has done to Indian Society, apart from singing and playing in albums, films, TV shows and making money, apart from acting as Brand Ambassador.
- Now see this OutlookIndia report: (click here or paste in a new tab address box)
Also out of the NRC is Mohammad Sanaullah, the retired army officer who fought in the Kargil war. While Sanaullah's wife features in the final list, his daughters and son have failed to make an entry into the list.
- "My name and that of my son and daughters are not there in the list. It’s definitely painful but I have to be patient and wait for the order of the court. I have faith in the judicial system of our country,” Sanaullah told Outlook.
- Sanaullah, a resident of Kalahikash village in Kamrup district of Assam, said he had joined the Army in 1987 and had also served in Doda and Kupwara in trouble-torn Jammu and Kashmir. But he was sent to the detention centre earlier this year after a Foreigners’ Tribunal had ordered that Sana Ullah had failed to establish his linkage to his parentage of Indian soil prior to March 25 of 1971.
- ybrao-a-donkey's personal view: From the above OutlookIndia Report it is clear that Kargil War Hero who fought in Jammu and Kashmir, was sent to Detention Centre! This is simply because, he is unable to produce suitable documentary proof about his forefathers. It is not easy to get Documentary Proof in India. If money is lavishly spent, the concerned Officials might have created Documentary Proof adding Records to the Old Registers. But, this Kargil Hero might not have spent, adequately.
- The above report relates to NRC, and not CAA. CAA is more concerned about Persecution of Hindus in Islamic Countries. CAA wants to deny citizenship to Muslim Refugees on the ground that they are not Hindus. Now, let us see how the present Government granted Citizenship in 2015 to a Pakisthani Singer who overstayed in India, just for making money (not for subsistence livelihood). Not only it gave him Indian Citizenship, but also honored with Padmashri Award. What service he did to India to deserve the Award? So, when a Government wants to shower Citizenships and Awards to Affluent Muslims, nothing stopped them. But, now why do they want CAA? If CAA succeeds in preventing the Govt. from doing this type of underserving favors , then it should be welcome. But, the Governments all over the World are Slaves of Rich Persons who can invest money. We can see how the UK Government has given shelter to Economic Offenders such as Mr. Vijay Mallya and Mr. Nirab Modi.
- In a small State like Assam, nearly 2 million people have been left out of NRC. In a big State like Maharashtra or West Bengal or United Andhra Pradesh, how many people will be left out?
- We can recall the experiences of People when Demonetisation of Currency took place in Nov. 2016. If there were say, about 2 million black money holders in India in 2016, entire population of 130 million were made to suffer in numerous ways. Okay, were the 2 million blackmoney holders caught in the Demonetisation Exercise. No ! Not.
- Now, if NRC is implemented , or NPR is surreptiously used for feeding into NRC data, there will be virtual chaos and suffering of 1.3 billion people. Reason: In India records are not properly maintained in Government Offices. Similarly people are also unaware of preserving every piece of paper they come into possession. I know many villagers who keep cloth bags containing Cash, Bank Pass books, Pattadar Passbooks, Title Deeds in Palmyra thatched roofs, because mud walls do not have safe Almyras. It frequently happens, owing to fires, floods, incessant rains, rats and termites, they get lost irretrievably. So, it is not easy for people to produce documentary evidence within stipulated time.
- Even a cat will revolt, when beaten in a closed room. Hence, Governments whether Central or State, UPA or NDA or Regional Fronts should desist from creating problems for People, particularly poor, illiterate/semi-literate people.
- Question: Do you mean to say that we should lift gates to Infiltrators and Intruders?
- Ans; Definitely not. I have already given some important suggestion in my previous blog posts.
- I reiterate some of them: Union Government should establish CENTRAL GOVERNMENT POLICE STATIONS to work in co-ordination/competition with STATE GOVERNMENT POLICE STATIONS. The Central Government Police Stations should take up all the work relating to Registration and Investigation of FIRs, in addition to State Government Police Stations. Though, primarily Law and Order is a State subject, many State Government Police Stations and Police Officials, including IPS Officials have become STOOGES of Parties ruling the State. They are not doing their duty properly, and in accordance with Law. In such cases, at present, the Citizens have no option except to surrender to the extortions made by State Govt. Police Staff.
- If Central Government Police Stations (CGPS) are available, Sufferers and Victims will have at least two options. If SGP fails, sufferers can approach CGP, and vice versa.
- Question: Will that no result in confusion and wastage of resources?
- Ans: No. The number of Police Stations in India are not commensurate to a Population of 1.3 billion. And, this population is going to grow. People are getting more criminalised and lumpenised. Capitalism compels people to become criminals.
- Central Government Police Stations can be entrusted with the work of maintaining the NRCs and NPRs, which are to be built gradually, without causing suffering to 1.3 billion people. Existing records relating to Aadhar Data, Ration Cards, Voter Lists, School-College-University Records, Hospital Records, Hostel Records, Municipal and Panchayat Records, Revenue Records, Transport Dept. Records (Driving Licences, Vehicle Registration Owner addresses etc.) , Cell phone Records available with Telcom Companies, Temple Visitor Records (example TTD), etc. can be consolidated to make an NRC, with stress on Permanent Residents, Temporary Residents and Transit Passengers. There is no dearth of Records. Real tools and techniques lie in Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence. Above all, a Will to try.
TODAY'S untrivia:
- Clarification: I am not a supporter of Mr. Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy (popularly called Jagan, Jagananna), the present Chief Minister of Residual Andhra Pradesh State. Similarly, I am not a supporter of Mr. Nara Chandra Babu Naidu (popularly called Babu, Chandranna), Former Chief Minister.
- The tyrannical and foolish Tuglack-ish actions of Mr. Jagan is causing innumerable hardships to the People of Residual Andhra Pradesh . His supersonic haste in shifting the Executive Capital of Andhra Pradesh to Visakhapatnam, has made the Farmers and Women of AP in general, and the 29 Amaravati Villages in particular to wither on Roads under tents, and receive lathi blows from the State Police.
- In Telugu language, there is a proverb. "tADi ceTTu enduku ekkAvu? anTE dUDA gaDDi kOsam annATTa".
- Approximate English explanation of this Proverb: A person climbed a palmyrah tree. Normally, people climb palmyra trees to pluck palm fruits, palm leaves for thatching, and above all to collect toddy-liquor from pots hanged to the stem near the leaves. Climbing for cutting plam leaves and fruits is a very very rare affair. Normal presumption is, a person climbs a palmyra tree for drinking toddy, a type of liquor.
- The person climbing the palmyrah tree was asked as to why he climbed the palm tree. He replied that he climbed the tree to collect grass for his calf (buffalo/cow). How can he get grass for calf on a palm tree? It is available on the ground.
- Similarly shifting of the Executive Capital from Amaravati, which is geographically in the Center of the Residual Andhra Pradesh State , to Visakhapatnam which is nearly 913 km. from Hindupur to Visakhapatnam, and 828 km. from Chittoor to Visakhapatnam. It will be extremely difficult for people of Rayalaseema to go to Visakhapatnam for their work connected with the State Government. Mr. Jagan and his Party Leaders are making a strange argument: Why should people visit Visakhapatnam? What work will they have with Secretariat? Simultaneously, they say 'Shouldn't North Andhra develop?'
- Both the arguments contradict one another. Normally, Towns and Cities grow when there is a floating population. Alternatively, Central and State Governments have to establish their Offices, Undertakings etc. Hyderabad developed because it received all the Central Government Undertakings investments intended for the United Andhra Pradesh, to name a few: DRDL, DLRL, DMRL, Regional Research Laboratory, BDL, Hindusthan Cables Ltd. (later apparently closed), IDPL (later closed), HMT, HAL, BHEL, Nuclear Fuel Complex, National Institute of Nutrition, Dur Darsan, Akashvani, State level Offices of all the Public Sector and Private Sector Banks, Public Sector and Private Sector Insurance Companies, Hyderabad Central University, Institute of Foreign Languages, etc. etc. These have been followed by IT Companies, with the advent of Computers.
- Visakhapatnam developed owing to Central Government Establishments: Visakhapatnam Port Trust, Steel Factory RINL, HP Oil Refinery, MMTC, Eastern Naval Command, Hindusthan Shipyard etc., South Central Railway Waltair Division etc. Then, there is Andhra University etc. Thus, there is Floating Population.
- Vijayavada does not have any Central or State Government Establishments or Industrial Undertakings, except a Division of South Central Railway, and one Thermal Power Unit at Ibrahimpatnam. But Vijayavada has a lot of floating population, as it at the Center of five Railway routes, four River Canals. Krishna River and Durga Temple added to its floating population. Therefore, it became a Whole Sale Distribution Center, and Lorry Transport Center.
- Similarly Guntur does not have any Central or State Government Establishments or Industrial Unvertakings. A Division of South Central Railway is a recent addition. It is a Junction for four Railway lines. For people of Rayalaseema coming from Hindupur, Anantapur, Guntakal, Kurnool etc. Guntur is the Gateway-Railway Junction. It has a University- Nagarjuna University between Vijayawada and Guntur. But, the main strength and stamina of Guntur came from its Tobacco exports (now waning), Red Chillies Market Yard, Cotton Trade. Thus commercial crops form the lifeblood of Guntur.
- But, both in respect of Vijayawada and Guntur, the Central Government or the United Andhra Pradesh Government has not done anything. Everything has come from the efforts and the entrepreneurial spirit of the People living here.
- Vijayawada and Guntur are geographically at the Center of the Residual Andhra Pradesh State (which is smaller than the Andhra State which was separated from erstwhile Madras State, as Hospet, Bellary, Berhampur, Ganjam, Gadwal, Wanparty, Bhadrachalam etc. were lost to other States). Naturally, people of Andhra expected that its Capital will be established between Vijayawada and Guntur. A Committee of Leaders also recommended it, ignoring the existence of Sribagh Pact of 1937 entered among Coastal Andhra Leaders and Rayalaseema leaders that Capital will be established in Kurnool. Then, some politicking took place, and in 1953 Capital was established at Kurnool, and High Court at Guntur.
- Had the arrangement continued till 2020, probably people would/might have learnt to live with it as a compromise, and Kurnool too might have developed. But the Andhra (Coastal Andhra + Rayala Seema) took a hasty decision of forming United Andhra Pradesh, and shifted the Capital to Hyderabad, which was already the Capital of Telangana.
Here is a 10 Multiple Choice Question Test on your favorite subject. Some Qs are actual Examination Questions, ABRIDGED & EDITED for brevity, and to facilitate easier comprehension. Actual Exam. Qs were lengthy and circumlocutive. Qs can be answered online, and score can be checked by clicking ~showprogress~ box at the end of any Q. There are minus marks of 0.25 (quarter mark) for each wrong answer. If any Qs are left out, there will be no change in score. ==Answers and explanations== for each Q can also be checked by moving your mouse on the word `mouse` at the end of each Q. You can try and retry any number of times.
TODAY'S BHARTRUHARI--Sringara Satakam (100 verses of Love & Lust):
■sringara SATAKAM OF BHARTRUHARI: SERVE ANY OF THE TWO HIPS ♞:♛ MAtsaryam utsArya vicArya kAryam
AaryA! SamAryAdAm idam vadantu:
SEvyAha nitambAha kim bhUdharANAm
uta smara smEra vilAsinInAm.♝
♛The poet is addressing wise scholars: "Oh wise reverred persons! Leaving jealousy, following due process, pl. ponder over and identify clearly, what is to be chosen between the two:♝
♛First: Serve the hips of the mountains ♝
♛Second: the hips of the damsels with Cupid-occupied hips and smiling faces.♝
- ■KARL MARX & ENGELS , Communist Party Manifesto♞:
German: Jeder Schritt wirklicher Bewegung ist wichtiger als ein Dutzend Programme.
English: Every step of real movement is more important, than a dozen programs.
- The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva: Draupadi-harana Parva
- Context: Book 3, Book of Forests (Aranya Parva). King YudhishThira is on an exile in Forests. Sage Markandeya narrated to him Shri Rama's story i.e. Ramayana. In Ramayana, context: Hanuman found Sita in Lanka, and came back to Sugriva, Shri Rama and Lakshmana in Kishkindha. Hanuman is narrating his Conversation with Sita.
- Hanuman speaking to Sita in Ashoka Garden: 'I am, O Sita, an emissary of Rama and monkey begotten by Pavana !
- Desirous of having a sight of thee, hither have I come travelling through the skies! Protected by Sugriva, that monarch of all the monkeys, the royal brothers Rama and Lakshmana are in peace! And Rama, O lady, with Sumitra's son, has enquired of your welfare ! And Sugriva also, on account of his friendship (with Rama and Lakshmana) enquires of your welfare.
- Followed by all the monkeys, your husband will soon be here.
- Confide in me, O adorable lady, I am a monkey and not a Rakshasa [demon]. Thus addressed by me, Sita seemed to meditate for a moment and then replied to me, saying, 'From the words of Avindhya I know that you are Hanuman! O mighty-armed one, Avindhya is an old and respected Rakshasa ! He told me that Sugriva is surrounded by counsellors like thee.
- You may depart now!'
- And with these words she gave me this jewel as a credential.
- And, indeed, it was by means of this jewel that the faultless Sita had been able to support her existence.
- And the daughter of Janaka [Sita] further told me as a token from her, that by thee, O tiger among men, a blade of grass (inspired with Mantras and thus converted into a fatal weapon) had once been shot at a crow while you were on the breast of the mighty hill known by the name of Chitrakuta ! And this she said as evidence of my having met her and, hers being really the princess of Videha.
- I then caused myself to be seized by Ravana's soldiers, and then set fire to the city of Lanka!'"
- ybrao-a-donkey's-observation, with no malice: In Valmiki Ramayana, we find that Hanuman presents as token, a finger ring [Sanskrit: anguLIyakam] of Shri Rama, to prove his genuineness as emissary. In this Markandeya's and Vaisampayana's, and Vyasa's narration there is no such sort of identity card here.
TODAY'S EPISODE FROM VYASA MAHABHARATA 1901 ENGL. TRANSL. by Late KM Ganguli. Further 2020 editing by ybrao-a-donkey.: :
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I undertake English, Hindi, Telugu language Translations. My labor charges: Ind. Rs. 110 per input page. E-mail input files to y b h a s k at g m a i l .com. No need to phone. Some of the documents which I have translated earlier: Sale Deeds, Public Copies of Sale Deeds, Sale Agreements, Lease Agreements, Mortgage Deeds, Land Records such as pahani-chowfasla, 10-1Adangal, Legal Notices, Replies to Legal Notices, Court Decrees, Police FIRs, Inquest Reports, Market Brochures, Employee Standing Orders, Letters to Govt. Departments, Letters received from Govt. Departments, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marks Lists, Ration Cards, Ration Card Name deletion Certificates, Adoption Agreements, Divorce Agreements etc. etc.