The speciality of the BJP Government at Centre, ruling India since 2014 May, is its eagerness to surpass its predecessor Congress Rulers in maintaining and continuing all negative traits and practices. Whenever Media or Public or Opposition criticise the Government over its policies and practices, BJP's immediate response will be "Congress also did them". What BJP forgets to realise and remember is that two wrongs will not make a 'right'. If Congress had run the Country with numerous scams and looted the People for nearly 70 years, people punished it in 2014, by reducing its Count of Lok Sabha seats to just 40. Consequently, Congress Leader lost the Opposition Leader's Status in the Lower House. It appears that BJP wants to outdo Congress. In 2019, it may want to get just some 10 Seats. If Congress Leaders were corrupt, particularly the Nehru Dynasty was corrupt, the Right thing for BJP led Government ought to have been, to trace out the funds parked abroad, and get them attached following Due Legal Processes both in India and Abroad. During these four years (2014 to 2018), BJP Government does not seem to have made any such serious attempt in that direction. On the other hand, it has just preferred to re-open the Rs. 640 million 1987 Swedish Bofors Guns Purchase Kickbacks case, in respect of which most of the Accused Persons passed away, and the Kickbacks seem to have been frittered away, recovering which are now next to impossible.
Mr. Rahul Gandhi has been repeatedly raising the Issue of Corruption in the Rafale Aircraft Purchase Deal between INdia and France
Ever since the Gujarat Assembly Elections, Mr. Rahul Gandhi has been repeating like a parrot that there was some corruption in the Rafael Aircraft deal between India and France, and demanding the Government to answer his Questions. The Government and BJP Party instead of answering his Questions, are taking shelter under some covenants of secrecy in the Aircraft Purchase Agreement between India and France.
Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, India's Defence Ministeer, is reported to have replied in Rajaya SAbha, on 4th Feb. 2018, replying to a question by Congress M.P., M.V. Rajeev Gowda:
"... "As per 'Article-10' of the Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) between Government of India and Government of France on the purchase of Rafale aircraft, the protection of the classified information and material exchanged under IGA is governed by the provisions of the Security Agreement signed between the two nations in 2008. ..."
ybrao-a-donkey's personal view, not intended to be imposed on others
The MP was, after all, asking for a simple information like the price of each aircraft, which cannot probably be treated as Classified Information on any count. Age of Women, Monthly Salaries of Men, may be closely guarded secrets by custom. But how is that prices of Aircraft purchased by a country become closely guarded secrets? Agreements whether Domestic or International providing for maintenance of such flimsy secrecies should be considered as "Against Public Policy". Whatever the Western Countries may do in this respect, a truly Democratic Country like India which has to run its Democracy in a Transparent Manner, ought to make a Law in Parliament, discouraging their Governments from entering into such type of Secretive Agreements.
How will India progress if India neither invents Technologies nor purchases Technologies?
Defence Minister of India, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman is reported to have replied in Lok Sabha on 6th Feb. 2018:
"..."The license manufacturing/transfer of technology was not sought as it would not have been cost effective for an order of this size. ..."
"...State-run aerospace major Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd has no role in the Rafale deal. ..."
ybrao-a-donkey's views which are not intended to be imposed on others
I am sad to read this reply. Reason: Today, India may be procuring just 36 Aircraft. Tomorrow, India may need a 100 Aircraft. If Technology is not transferred to the Purchasing Country, how will the Purchasing Country carry out major repairs which may be needed from time to time? How will "Make in India" become truly Self-Sufficient? Learning Technologies must become a continuous process.
It is not clear why India's Premier Public Sector Aircraft Manufacturer "HAL" has been removed from the Picture. On the other hand, HAL Engineers India must have included a Provision in the Aircraft Purchase Agreement for training HAL Engineers in carrying out major Repairs to the Rafale Aircraft, and reconstruct them whenever needed after minor and medium accidents.
Telugu Proverb in Roman Script: ati rahasyam baTTa bayalu. అతి రహస్యం బట్ట బయలు. English meaning: Extreme Secrets become Open News and are broadcast everywhere
Even if the Governments and Corporates want to keep everything under wraps with numerous strict covenants, they cannot maintain such secrecies in Capitalism. Example: Who brought to light the Bofors Scam? Ans: Not Indian Government. In 1987, it was announced on Swedish Radio. Since then, the Governments and Political Parties in India have been wriggling with it.
2013 Indian helicopter bribery scandal (August Westland Helicopter Purchases for serving VIPs)
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Indian_helicopter_bribery_scandal. Here also, the Supplier country Italy seems to be taking more interest in digging out the secrets, compelling the Indian Government to act and take some follow-up steps.
In case of high value Defence items such as Aircraft, Submarines, Guns, No. of suppliers will be less than 10
That means we come across situations of Monopolies, Oligopolies, sometimes Monopolistic Competition. In case of Oligopolies and Monopolistic Competition, the fierce cut-throat Competition makes Rival Sellers to pay bribes to Purchasing Rulers and Governments. Losing Sellers will always try to trace out kickback in the deals made by Rivals with Purchasing Governments, and blow whistles. That means, Kickback Secrets can never remain as Real Secrets for Ever, as someday or other the Losing Rival will succeed in blowing whistle. The very essence of Capitalism, Oligopolies and Monopolistic Competition is "Mutual Suspicion". Suppliers, if they have to survive in Markets, will invariably have to be Rogues.
Risk of Foreign Governments themselves leaking out Secret Agreements to destabilise Purchasing Countries
This appears to be an imaginary risk. But it is not. Though theoretically "Arms-Weapons Selling and Marketing Governments" show great respect and give great importance to Heads of Purchasing Governments, that bonhomie may not be eternal. Of course, seller-buyer relations may not be brittle as long as payments are made promptly, and questions are not asked about delivery schedule adherences or quality of material/equipment.
Role of Agencies like WikiLeaks and Panama Papers
Even if Corporates and Governments want tomainain extreme Secrecies in their Dealings, they cannot hold on. Internet has become uncontrollable. Hacking Computer Net Works and Systems for data Mining and Stealing of Secrets, is likely to stay for sometime to come. This is in addition, to the "Selling of Secrets" by Disgruntled Employees on the Sellers' Side or the Buyers' side.
Question: Won't Open discussion of Technological Prowess of Fighters, Submarines, Weapons etc., alert our Enemy countries about our weaknesses?
Ans: Though this Risk exists, it cannot be altogether avoided, because "Selling Corporates" will approach almost all the countries in the World (limitation: Amount of Foreign Exchange in the hands of Purchasing Countries, and availability of Godowns/Sheds in their countries for piling up), offering to sell them the "most powerful weapons in the World" , projecting them to be more Powerful than those supplied to their Enemy Countries. When every thing is revealed in the Marketing Campaigns, what further secrecy will be there? Besides, International Arms, Aircraft, Submarines, Fighter Frigates etc. Exhibitions are held frequently to woo the Purchasing Countries, where everything can be discussed, and demonstrated. Even if Purchasing Leaders are Novices, Experts accompany them with Shopping Lists, to examine the Ware.
Hence, I stick on to what I say: "ati rahasyam baTTa bayalu" (Extreme Secrets are nothing but OPen Broadcasts). I, therefore, request our Hon. Prime Minister and Defence Minister, to take up with Suppliers, for Revision of "Secrecy Provisions", especially at least to the extent which will be essential for Saving Democratic and Parliamentary Transparency in India. This will also help BJP in improving its image of being a "Scam and Scandal Free" Administration. Though Congress and UPA might not have done in the past (it is at their peril),I wish that BJP will try to involve Opposition also in designing and disussing Purchase Agreements in Parliament, and approving them, as that will lead to "Continuity of Policies and Transactions". Else, there will be danger of Agreements being cancelled, whenever there is a Change in Government. It will result in embarrassments both to the Old Governments and the New Governments, apart from leading to unavoidable disputes with foreign Governments and Suppliers.
Last but not the Least

It will not be prudent to keep all Eggs in one basket. When there are four or five suppliers of "different makes and brands" of similar Equipment, it will be prudent to distribute some orders to the Other Suppliers also, by negotiating prices. While the lowest Tenderer will get a big order, other suppliers need not be left in the lurch, especially when their prices are not unduly inflated. This Equitable Distribution ensures that Justice is not only done, but also Justice appears to have been done. In addition, distributing orders will keep "Supply Channels" open, while avoiding rancour. Simultaneously, India should try to acquire Technologies, whatever be the Cost.
Lessons from 1966 Telugu film Paramanandayya Sishyula Katha
There was a 1966 Telugu Film by name "Paramanandayya Sishyula katha" (English: The Story of the Disciples of Paramanandaiah) in which Senior NT Rama RAo, KR Vijaya, Nagayya acted. There is a hilarious comic scene in that. Guru Paramanandaiah wanted to perform the marriage of his daughter. He gave 100 bucks to his seven disciples to go to a neighboring village, purchase and get a cow. The Disciples were "Cursed" persons whose intellect was lost, and they had temporarily become fools. Guru, doubting and knowing the intelligence of his Disciples asked them not to use their own intelligence and follow the suggestions of onlookers and neighbors present there.
The Disciples went to the Neighboring Village, spent the 100 bucks and brought a dead cow, carried by laborers on their shoulders. Reasons: Onlookers and Neighbors present in the Fair told the Disciples that the Cow was a Great cow, giving some 20 litres of milk, giving good calves, etc. etc.
Lesson: Purchasing Aircraft, Submarines and Weapons without their concomitant Technology will be like purchasing a Dead Cow, because onlookers were telling it was a Great Cow.
To come back and continue adding / deleting modifying.
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