As anticipated by everybody, Swami Paripoornananda, a self-declared pIThAdhipati, has joined Bharatiya Janata Party. He, seems to own, the Bharat Today Telugu T.V. Channel, which has since its inception been giving him more than adequate publicity. It is also reported that Swami Paripoornananda is going to contest to Telangana State Assembly with BJP Ticket. Journos have predicted long back that Swami Paripoornanda is going to be another Yogi Adityanath. It is the fortune of the Residual Andhra Pradesh State that Swami Paripoornanda is not going to contest from A.P. State. TRS Supremo and the Chief Minister of Telangana State Mr. K. Chandrasekhara Rao has already tried to reign the Swamiji, by getting him expelled from Telangana State. Of course, it is a different thing, Swamiji obtained Court Orders lifting the ban. It is well-known that KCR is a devotee of Swamijis, and is full of superstitions. And, Mr. KCR will not spare anybody whom he sees as challengers to his supremacy. Readers may remember that Mr. KCR called the Former Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh-- a chaprasi. Mr. KCR called Mr. Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Former Chief Minister of United Andhra Pradesh, a THIEF. Now, we have to see, what he is going to call Swami Paripoornanda Saraswati. Swamiji has so far excelled in abusing People of other Religions and incurred their wrath. Now, we have to see, how Swamiji is going to tackle Mr. Kaluvakolanu Chandrasekhara Rao.
Incomplete. Shall add / modify / delete, to make this Article more meaningful.
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