Though what I write here appear to relate to the Sacking of the Top Retired Indian I.A.S. (Indian Administrative Service) Bureaucrat, Retd. Chief Secretary of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh,--from his present post of the Chairman, Brahmin Corporation, the basics, circumstances, situations, principles, trends etc. apply not only to Indian Bureaucrats, but to all types of Employees and Officers worldwide, by whatever designations they may be called, whether in Private Sector or in Public Sector. There are lessons not only to be learnt by Shri Krishna Rao, not only by working-at-present Bureaucrats, but also for Retired Bureaucrats, both in Private Sector and Public Sector.
We shall start with a Telugu language Verse, a language spoken by 100 million people across the World.
Poet: Telugu Poet Dhoorjati, Period Approx. 1451-1550 CE.(Period earlier than even William Shakespeare and John Milton. Book: Sri Kalahasti-Iswara-Satakam (A book of 100 verses addressed to Lord Kalahastiswara, the deity at Sri Kala hasti, near Tirumala-Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh).
రాజుల్ మత్తులు వారిసేవ rAjul mattulu, vAri sEva
నరకప్రాయంబు వారిచ్చునం naraka prAyambu, vAriccu am-
భోజాక్షీచతురంతయానతురగీ bhOjAkshI caturanta yAna turagI
భూషాదు లాత్మవ్యధా bhUshAdu lAtma vyathA
బీజంబుల్ తదపేక్ష చాలు మరి bIjambul tat apEksha cAlu mari
తృప్తిం బొందితిన్ జ్ఞానల triptin ponditin gnAna la-
క్ష్మీజాగ్రత్పరిణామ మిమ్ము kshmI jAgrit pariNAma mimmu
దయతో శ్రీ కాళహస్తీశ్వరా! dayatO SrI kALa hastIsvarA !
Approx. English gist: Oh Lord KAlahastIsvarA ! Kings are intoxicated persons (with power). Their service tantamounts to Hell. The paraphernalia they bestow such as women, chariots, horses, gold ornaments etc. are seeds of self-anguish. Let there be end for all such things. I am satiated. Kindly, bless with the Wealth of True Knowledge.
ybrao-a-donkey's personal views not intended to be imposed on others
It is not clear whether the Great poet DhoorjaTi left the service of the Vijayanagara Kings, soon after the death of Srikrishna Deva RAya in 1519 CE circa. But the above verse was apparently penned while Dhoorjati was still in the Court of Krishna Deva Raya. Yet, the above verse might not have been written from the personal experience of Poet DhoorjaTi. In spite of Democles Swords hanging over their heads while serving kings most Telugu Poets continued to serve Kings, because there was no alternative. Where could they go, leaving royal patronage! dina vecca mE rAju tIrpa galaDu (Which king will provide for the daily provisions to the Kitchen?).
But this cannot be the case of the Indian Bureaucrats of the 21st Century. They are well cared after by the Government. Though they may not get their salaries on par with Private Sector CEOs, CFOs of Glamorous Corporates like ICICI Bk., TCS, Infosys etc. they need not worry about their food, clothing, shelter, old age security, health care, children's education etc. Many Govt. Officers and quasi-Government Officers know well that they will be good for nothing outside, and their skills are unemployable in Private Sectors, except for liaison and brokerage services for getting work done in Government. Besides, above everything, if they learn the art of their profession, they can amass enormous wealth through bribing and kick-backs. For that reason only they learn sycophancy from their Seniors, and try to excel them so that they can occupy their chairs as soon as they retire, or sometimes even before the Seniors retire.
I do not wish to say that Mr. IYR Krishna Rao is a sycophant. That will be libellous and scandalous. What I have written about is the general environment prevailing in the Indian (probably even Global) Bureaucratic Arena. IAS-IPS_IFS-IRS caste, Banking Caste, and other Top Officers should not be angry with me for writing this. On the other hand, they should look for black sheep among themselves. The behaviors of some black sheep, can vitiate a whole environment, just as a drop of venom can render a potful of milk deadly.
Mr. I.Y.R. Krishna Rao knew his art and science of playing his Cards well. During his about three decades of service, he has won accolades from his Superiors, both the IAS tribe, and the Politician tribe. He has climbed the rungs of the Executive Ladder with a quite swift felicity. He was rarely sidelined into loop-line postings [derogatively called Shiva-Alayams in Telugu language. Reason: In Andhra Pradesh Shiva Temples tend to be poorer when compared to VishNu temples. Shiva is offered only bilva leaves and ash, whereas VishNu idols (eg. Lord Venkateswara) get all the gold and precious stones) Hence, postings which have no glamor or no additional income such as Director of Museums, Archaeology become loopline]. He had occupied prestigious positions like Executive Officer, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam, the Richest Temple in India, and the Second Richest in the World after Vatican City. Whatever be the Behind-the-scene affairs, even as Chief Secretary to the Govt. of A.P., he was treated with honor, prima facie.
To Continue in Part 2 of this piece.
To come back and continue adding / deleting / modifying. सशेष. ఇంకా ఉంది.
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