Our learned friend who greatly admires the Indian Civilisation, including its discriminative and oppressive Caste System, has sent us seven links to web pages which try to prove the Greatness of Indian Caste System. Well, I respect their right to express their perspectives and view points. In law, we have a very popular maxim, which says "Audi Alterim Partem' (Hear the other Party). Hearing the other persons, whether we accept whatever they say/write or not is, very important. I am unable to spare much time and space to answer bulk of the issues raised therein. Of course, my Readers will be free to visit those linked pages, and their comments there itself. Alternatively, if my readers have any questions to ask me, who has an atheist-Marxist bias, I shall definitely try to answer them to the best of my ability.
Links received by me:
Click here to go to http://indiafacts.org/varna-not-caste/Click here to go to http://indiafacts.org/varna-caste-analysis-ii/
Click here to go to http://indiafacts.org/analysis-varna-caste-part/
Click here to go http://indiafacts.org/hinduism-and-caste-a-counter-narrative/
Click here to go to http://indiafacts.org/caste-system-colonial-idea/
Personal views of ybrao-a-donkey, not intended to be imposed on others
The Aryan Immigrants into India were very much concerned about 'color of body', just as today's EuramANZ's some Racial Whites are concerned, and worried, about immigrations from Body-Browns and Body-Blacks. Varna in Sanskrit language, though has several meanings, in the context of Caste System, the meaning is 'body color', with the light colors white-red-yellow reserved to Upper Castes. I have already posted at this blog, the Sanskrit Verses from vyAsa Mahabharata which proved that the Mahabharata characters were very much concerned about body colors.
Link to the particular blog post:
In Telugu language, we have two words which refer to caste of persons. Scholars, and Temple Preachers use the word 'varNa' synonymously with 'kulam'. Commonly used word 'kula' or 'kulam' has in addition to the meaning of caste, also refers to 'clan, dynasty, successive generations' which again has another synonym, 'vamSam'. Nowadays, Telugu Press Media and Electronic Media have started using the phrase 'sAmAjika vargam' to refer to birth castes in their analyses, particularly political analyses. sAmAjika= Social. vargam=Class. This phrase is euphemistic, and both the Print and Elec. Media seem to want appear to be 'holier than they'. Or else, why a long phrase, instead of a simple 2 letter word 'ku-la' or 'ku-lam'. In Hindi, I have come across the word 'jAti' to mean caste. This jAti is a direct derivative of the root 'janana' = birth.
The first linked page above, "indiafacts.org/varna-not-caste", by Shri David Frawley, says that there is something 'yogic' in the Indian Caste System. I believe that there is nothing of that sort. I shall quote from Shri David Frawley:
The Hindu Varna system has a unique yogic orientation beyond outward class divisions.The Vedic goal of life is the realization of Cosmic Consciousness within the individual, for which the practice of Yoga and meditation is prescribed which includes detachment from the outer goals of life. Varna is meant to aid in the individual process of Self-realization and not become an end-in-itself. To reach that Universal Self one must give up identification with any social group.
The goal of a Vedic life, achieved through the practice of Yoga and meditation, requires going beyond worldly desires to a state of inner freedom (Moksha) and union with the Cosmic Person or Purusha. This Hindu social goal of Moksha is very different from western social orders that exist for the fulfillment of worldly desires, emphasizing social, political and material gains. It is also different from the ordinary religious goal of going to heaven, which is based upon a continuity of the ego and human identity, not a realization of the Universal Self within us.
The capitalist model that dominates the world today is such a desire-based materialistic social order that is ignorant of our deeper consciousness. While capitalism provides outer freedom, it follows an external view of reality that blinds us to our inner nature, and gets us caught in the pursuit of enjoyment that inevitably ends in sorrow and death.
yb-a-donkey: 'VarNa' (Caste or Body Color, or whatever else it meant), has nothing YOGIC + MEDITATIONs, and to do with Self-Realisation of Individuals. The problem with most of the Ancient Indian Scriptures is, they contain everything under the sky, including imagined concepts, irreconcilable concepts. Indian Civilisations, through every millennium, through every Century, went through 'desire-based social orders' like their Western Counterparts. Consequently, throughout all these millennia(ums), Centuries, has acquired and retained its characteristic of 'Oppression of the Lower Castes'. The Top castes wanted to enjoy at the cost of the lower castes who were condemned to 24x7x365 lifelong slaveries.
Question: Prove about the oppressive slavery imposed by scriptures?
Ans: Here are some verses from Vyasa Mahabhagavata which clearly shows the Slavery imposed on the 4th caste persons (SUdrAs).
Vyasa Mahabhagavata PART 11, CHAPTER 17, VERSE 19, SANSKRIT:
SuSrUshaNam dvija
gavaam devAnAm
ca apy amAyayA
tatra labdhEna santOshaha, SUdra-prakritayas tv imA ha.
sUdra-vruttim bhajEd
vaiSyaha, SUdraha
kricchrAn muktO na
garhyEna vruttim
lipsEta karmanA.
ENGLISH GIST: Serving the Priests, cows, Gods, without cheating and being happy with whatever he gets -- these are the duties of a SUdra (Fourth caste). A fourth caste person who cannot find a master to serve, can overcome his difficult situation by weaving baskets and straw mats. Again they should revert back to their original occupations after normalcy occurs. (That means a fourth caste person should find a master and serve again).
Evils of Capitalist System 'desire-based materialistc social order' cannot justify the continuation of the fissiparous and oppressive Indian Caste System. In fact, Capitalist System, Feudalist System, Caste System are like TRIPLETS in India, out on their rampage to exploit the Working Class. For this reason only I advocate the Abolition of Capitalism, Feudalism, and Casteism, which is possible through implementation of True Total Socialism.
The Fifth above Linked Webpage by Ms. Sahana Singh, titled "indiafacts.org/why-is-the-world-so-obsessed-with-India's-caste-system/"
This web page straight away questions why the World is obsessed with Indian Caste System. Actually, this question should be re-written as: "Why Indians are obsessed with their castes?".
Ans: 1. Vote Bank Politics. 2. Job Reservations. 3. Enslaving and Exploitation of Working Classes which do not own lands / factories / Shopping Complexes / Businesses.
To come back and continue adding / deleting / modifying.
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