Where is it laid down in Vyasa Mahabhagavata, that Brahmin's (Priests caste) have emerged from Lord's Head, Kshatriyas (Warrior caste) have emerged from Lord's shoulders, Vysyas (Merchant and Landlord caste) have emerged from Lord's thighs, and SUdrAs (Servants caste) have emerged from Lord's feet? Answer for the question can be seen at Vyasa Sanskrit Mahabharata, Book 8 (ashTama skantha), Chapter 5, Verses approx. No. 207.
vipro mukhAd brahma ca yasya guhyam
rAjanya asid bhujayor balam ca
Urvor vid ojo anghrir aveda-sudrau
prasidatAm naha sa mahA-vibhutihi.
The Brahmins (Priests caste) and Vedic knowledge come from the mouth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
The kshatriyAs (warrior caste) and bodily strength come from His arms.
Vaisyas (Merchant caste) and their expert knowledge in productivity and wealth come from His thighs.
SUdrAs (Servant caste), who are outside of Vedic knowledge, come from His feet. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is full in prowess, be pleased with us.
ybrao-a-donkey's personal views, which are not intended to be imposed on others:-
Though Sanskrit is not a dead language as many people perceive it to be, its daily usage in private homes and in public places, is rather limited. But it is extensively used in temple worships, Hindu family functions such as marriages, funerals, Opening of third eye ceremonies (upa-nayanams), initiating education to children ceremonies (aksharA- abhyAsa), etc. etc. Some of these are also called SamskArams.
There are many Indian languages (those which are recognised by Government of India/ Indian Constitution, and those which are not recognised), which have extensive literature. Unfortunately I do not know them, except my mother tongue Telugu and our National Language Hindi. Hence, I am quoting from a Telugu translation of Mahabhagavata, done by Bammera pOtnAmAtya, 15th Century CE circa.
వ. మఱియు, నెవ్వని బలంబున మహేంద్రుండును, ప్రసాదంబున దేవతలును, గోపంబున రుద్రుండును, బౌరుషంబున విరించియు, నింద్రియంబులవలన వేదంబులును మునులును, మేఢ్రంబునఁ బ్రజాపతియు, పక్షంబున లక్ష్మియు, ఛాయవలనఁ బితృదేవతలును, స్తనంబులవలన ధర్మంబును, బృష్ఠంబువలన నధర్మంబును, శిరంబువలన నాకంబును, విహాసంబువలన నప్సరోజనంబులును, గుహ్యంబువలన బ్రహ్మంబును, ముఖంబువలన విప్రులును, భుజంబువలన రాజులును (బలంబును), నూరువులవలన వైశ్యులును (నైపుణ్యంబును), పదంబులవలన శూద్రులును (అవేదంబును), అధరంబు వలన లోభంబును, నుపరి రదచ్ఛదంబువలనఁ బ్రీతియుఁ, నాసాపుటంబువలన ద్యుతియు, స్పర్శంబునఁ గామంబును, భ్రూయుగళంబున యమంబును, బక్షంబునఁ గాలంబును సంభవించె, నెవ్వని యోగ మాయా విహితంబులు ద్రవ్య వయః కర్మ గుణ విశేషంబులు, చతుర్విధ భూత సర్గం బెవ్వని యాత్మతంత్రంబు, నెవ్వని వలన సిద్ధించి, లోకంబులును లోకపాలురుం బ్రతుకుచుందురు, పెరుఁగుచుందురు, దివిజులకు నాయువు బలంబునై,జగంబులకు నీశుండై, పరమ మహాభూతి యగు నప్పరమేశ్వరుండు మాకుం బ్రసన్నుండగుఁ గాక! అని మఱియును.
Approx. English GistAnd, by virtue of whose strength the Chief of Demy-Gods Mahendra was born, whose grace demy Gods were born,
from whose anger Lord Shiva was born,
from whose valor Creator Brahma was born,
from whose organs were born vEdas and Sages,
from whose penis were born prajApatis (Literal meaning: Masters of People, but the meaning I am fond of eliciting: The first generation humans),
from whose chest was born the Goddess of Prosperity 'Lakshmi', from whose shadow were born Gods of Ancestry(-stors),
from whose breasts were born 'duty and virtuosity',
from whose hips was born 'injustice',
from whose head was born the heaven,
from whose laughter was born- the companies of nymphs,
from whose loins was born the 'infinite Supreme Spirit',
from whose face were born- the Brahmins (Priest Class),
from whose shoulders were born- the kshatriyas (Warrior Caste),
from whose thighs were born- the Vysya caste (Merchants and Agriculturists),
from whose feet were born- the SUdras and avEda (the Servant Caste, and whatever is non-vEdic),
from whose lower lips was born covetousness and temptation,
from whose upper lips were born- love and affection,
from whose nostrils was born radiance and sheen of body,
from whose touch emerged lust,
from whose eye-brows were born- the self-control and self-restraint ([Note: Shri Prabhupada in his English Translation of Sanskrit Mahabhagavata, took the English meaning of 'yama' in the same context as 'yama rAja' (the God of Death). But the contextual meaning is to be taken as yamam (a twin of yama-niyamas of the first two stages of patanjali's AshTAnga yOga Path. The God of Death also called 'kAlA' has nothing to do with this 'yama'.), which deals with citta vritti nirOdham (controlling of mind)],
from whose sides were born the 'time',
the manifestations of whose sport are the materials-and-substances, aging, actions, qualities,
the structural framework of whose self-activities and dynamics are the five Spirits of the Universe- Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Sky,
from whom are born, and survive+grow -- these worlds and their rulers,
who is the life-force of the Heavenly Gods, Lord of this Cosmic Universe, the Supreme Spirit of this Universe, The Supreme God-- let Him be Gracious towards us!Context:
The Emperor Bali conquered all the Heavenly Worlds, and ousted Indra, the Chief of Demy Gods. Consequently, he desperate Demy Gods, their displaced Boss Indra,-- approach the Creator for protection. In the above 'prose' of Poet Bammera PotanAmAtya, the Creator praises the Supreme God Lord VishNu and prays for his Grace. This is the prelude to the 5th incarnation 'vAmAnAvatAra' (Incarnation as a Dwarf boy) of Lord VishNu.
In the Sanskrit Mahabharata of Vyasa, also there were many verses prior to, and later than, the verse quoted above which form the source for Potana's translation. I have not given them, because they are outside the scope of our analyses of the Ancient Indian Caste System (cAtur varNa -Asrama- vyavastha). Potana's prose is a very lengthy compound sentence, which I did not want to, and I am unable to, truncate for extracting only the phrases and clauses relevant to the four castes. Hence, the translation of the entire sentence became necessary.
One yb-donkey-perceived difference between the Sanskrit Verses of VyAsa and Telugu verses of Potana
VyasA's Mahabharata and Mahabhagavata are scholarly works. They may not be the work of one person by name 'vyAsa' or successions of Scholars with prefix/suffix name 'vyAsa'. Even if they be as such, creations of persons by name 'vyAsa', there might have been numerous insertions by Temple Preachers, Hermitage Teachers (gurukula gurus), whenever new palm leaves / copper plates were inscribed at the instance of Rich/Ruling Patrons. On the other hand POtana was not only a poet, but a Natural Scholar (Sahaja pAnDitya), whatver that phrase might have meant. He too had called himsel as such. But, I do not think so. Potana's absolute control on vocabulary both Sanskrit and Telugu, control on prosody, comprehension of subtle concepts of metaphysical and philosophical concepts could not have been acquired in one day. It is not possible even for a most capabl Guru to impart such nearly-boundless skills. Potana himself might have spent several days and sleepless nights contemplating on
He had no patrons. He sustained and subsisted from cultivating his small pieces of lands. There was nobody pinching him to add their idiosyncrasies. However, POtana stuck to the Original vyAsa source MahA bhAgavata. He did not deviate, even where there were obvious absurdities worth editing / moderating. While adhering to the Original Vyasa source verses, whenever an opportunity came for him to sing the glories of His Lord VishNu, and to delineate devotional/spiritual/renunciational matters, he went out of bounds, and we find his expositions of Great Poetic Glories, with complete soulful outpourings and reflections of his Liberated Mind. Sanskrit vyAsa Mahabhagavata consists mainly of verses. I am unable to identify prose anywhere. Potana Bhagavata is 'champoo' i.e. it contains both verses and lengthy prose. Potana's prose is in no way inferior to his Verses. I believe that Potana might have chosen prose, whenever he might have considered that prose would be less tedious and lengthy when compared to series of verses. To my half-baked knowledge and mind, it appears that Tikkana in his Translation of vyAsa bhArata used series of 'kanda (prosody meter)' , which sometimes looked to me as something monotonous and insipid. My Tikkana-Admirer Readers will please forgive me, if I crossed my limits through these remarks.
Some of the Prose items of Poet Bammera POtanAmAtya, are worthy of getting by heart, and reciting/regurgitating when we have leisure. The prose quoted above is also one such long compound sentence. Of course, the Caste-related-issues are to be separately viewed and analysed with a set of parameters different from literary whetstones.
Question: Why do you occasionally bring up this rotten 'Indian system of 4 caste system?'
Ans: It is not I, who raises it this Caste issues, frivolously. My Readers must go to the BJP Party President, Shri Amit Shah, who has recently called Mahatma Gandhi a 'chatur bania' (A shrewd merchant caste person), and ask him why he is worried about Mahatma Gandhi's caste. The word 'chatur' means shrewd and clever. 'Bania' refers to the Merchant caste generally called 'vYsyas'. Even if people of India want to forget about their castes, Politicians and Rulers will not allow them to forget, just as the EuramANZ politicians and Rulers do not allow the Whites to forget about their body color.
Important Notes
All the three important scriptures/Epics of India i.e. vyAsa Mahabharata, vyAsa Mahabhagavata, vAlmiki Ramayana, contain similar verses which STIPULATE that the four castes are born from four body organs of Supreme Lord.
I have in the previous posts covered and quoted the verses from Valmiki Ramayana and vyAsa Mahabharata. Links to those posts, I shall add here, below.
Bhagavad Gita, though is a part of Mahabharata, is often revered at a higher plane, and it too has in its chapters 3, and 18 have verses which support the Four Caste System. In my personal view, the very objective of Bhagavad Gita is to clear the anguishes and anxieties of Arjuna (disciple) by the preceptor Krishna, about the dangers, evils of Mix-up-Pollutions of the Four Castes, and reinforce the veracity of the Four Castes System, and the duties imposed by it.
I could not, so far, cover the verses from Mahabhagavata. This particular blog post completes that task. Now, we have all the four scriptures, and their keennesses on the Four Caste System, apart from their principal object of praising the glories of Lord VishNu, the God of the Migrant Aryans.
This is not a Spiritual Blog, as a few of my Readers believe it to be.
Vocabulary help for selected words, pasted from Internet
delineate dɪˈlɪnɪeɪt/ verb verb: delineate; 3rd person present: delineates; past tense: delineated; past participle: delineated; gerund or present participle: delineatingStill incomplete. Shall endeavor to complete this, some other day.
1. describe or portray (something) precisely. "the law should delineate and prohibit behaviour which is socially abhorrent" synonyms: describe, set forth, set out, present, outline, depict, portray, represent, characterize; More map out, chart; define, detail, specify, identify, particularize;
2. indicate the exact position of (a border or boundary). "his finger found a precisely outlined section delineated in red marker" synonyms: outline, trace, draw the lines of, draw, sketch, block in, mark (out/off), delimit, mark the boundaries/limits of "a section on the map delineated in red marker pen". Origin: mid 16th century (in the sense ‘trace the outline of something’): from Latin delineat- ‘outlined’, from the verb delineare, from de- ‘out, completely’ + lineare (from linea ‘line’).
ethereal: ɪˈθɪərɪəl/. adjective adjective: ethereal; adjective: etherial
1. extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world. "her ethereal beauty" synonyms: delicate, exquisite, dainty, elegant, graceful, beautiful, lovely;
To come back and continue adding / deleting / modifying.
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